The new school

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**Two days later**


Damn. Today is the day.. New school. Yiippieee...not. It's way to early to stand up, but whatever. I take a shower, brush my theeths and smooth my hair. As make up i just do my eyelashes and a bit Kajal and dark red lipstick but just so that its not over the top. I wear a dark blue jeans - ripped by my knees and a simple Black tight t-shirt with a black letherjacked and black vans. Do i need to say i love Black Things or is it obviously? I decide to wear a brown belt and a brown Michael Kors Bag to that. After breakfast I left the house for the Bus and i need to say i'm pretty nervous. Once i'm in the Bus i look around for a place to sit and i spot a seat next to a Brown Haired girl.

"Hey.. is this seat free?"

"Yeah sure. Sit down" She smiles

"Thank you, my name is Linda by the way" i laugh

"Well, hello Linda my name is Eleanor, nice to meet you. You are new here?"

"Yes i am. Is it so easy to tell?" i giggle and she laughs

"Ehm.. to be honest..yeah". We chat about a few things i already like her. She have a few classes with me and she told me that she will introduce me to her friends Sophia and Megan and that we sould eat lunch together. Who would thought that i made a friend at the first day even before i enter the school? Well, not me.

Eleanor and i walk in the school hall and few eyes land on me. "jeez.. whats wrong? Do i have something in my face ??? why didn't you tell me?" I whisper to Eleanor. "No there is nothing don't worry love. It's just.. you know, you're new"

"So what? Is it just like in those movies where the hole school look at the new girl?"

"..well.... yes you could say so"

"You kiddin' right?"

"I wish" sne giggle

She went with me to the secretariat and then to my locker. Thankfully we have the first two hours together. We walk in the Classroom and walk to our Math Teacher Mr. Gale "Hello Mister Gale I'm Linda Hastings the new student" - "Hello Linda, so i see you already made a new friend so you can sit beside Eleanor" I nodd and eleanor and i sit down in the third row. We chat about random things till the ball rang. I didn't even notice who walked in.

"So Class. Be quiet. Today a new student arrived, her name is Linda Hastings. Linda? Will you stand up for a moment please?" ..ugh.. seriously? I stand up and wave around - all eyes on me. "So will you tell us something about you please" erm NO?

"Uhm.. fine..So.. Hello, like you already know my name is Linda Hastings. I turned 18 two weeks ago after our Senior year i would like to go back to Miami where i lived till three days ago and go to College there"

"Okay thank you Linda you can sit down.." i do so "..and class take out your books page 12..."

During my little 'speech' i didn't look around i looked straight to Mister Gale so i look around now..I see many different types of people and look at each quite long but without prejudice. I didn't like prejudice, people have it a lot opposite me and i hate it. I'm not the dumb blond girl who shut up and let someone laugh about me. I look further and meet a pair of green and brown eyes staring at me. Two boys, the one with green eyes have brown curly hair and a smirk on his face. His dimples are cute. The other boy has black hair and both of their jaw lines a pretty impressive. Two good looking guys. Nice.

"Oh my gosh" eleanor squeals

"What? whats wrong?"

"Zayn and Harry two of the hottest guys in this school are checking you out right now" she says and i raise one eyebrown. She nodd in the left corner and i look again in the eyes from the two good looking guys before. I smile and they are just staring like before. Okay ? creepy. I look to eleanor "Whats wrong with them? why are they staring like this?" She shruggs and i have a look like 'the f.uck is going on?' on my face. Whatever i decide to listen to Mister Gale now and let them stare as long the h.ell they want.

The High School jock // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now