Henrietta's Life

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Henrietta lives alone in the forest.

The forest was vast, wet, and rich. Its canopy was monopolized by sycamore, hemlock, and redwood, which allowed adequate light to pass down for a patchwork of bushes to cultivate the insect-riddled soils below.

Bundled climbing plants dangled from every tree, and a variety of flowers, which were common to this area only, added some color to the otherwise brown forest floor.

A clamor of sounds, which were caused by prowling animals, filled the air and were in harmony with the barrage of noise coming from a waterfall in the distance.

What was once a t-shirt is now nothing more than a crummy old piece of fabric full of holes and stained with dirt, it barely manages to hang from Henrietta's shoulders like a discarded old towel.

There are holes all over it. Big, small, and anything in between, leaving much of her exposed to the elements.

Henrietta's wearing a tattered coat over her t-shirt. It's dirty, it's torn and it's worn out, but at least it helps her stay warm, even if only for a little.

Henrietta's pants aren't what they used to be either. There's a big tear on the left side which runs from the top to almost the bottom. But at least she has shoes to protect her feet. Although they're missing laces, a little too big, and the right toebox has come loose from the sole.

She wears a bandana around her neck and has it wrapped around her face to just below the eyes. It's torn and slightly stained, but otherwise in a decent shape.

Henrietta's head is covered by a beanie, there's a hole in the top, but that's pretty much its only flaw.

Henrietta hated the way she lived & blamed Robert for not being there. He sent no money, so she gathered food from the forest for the kids & planted the seeds in her garden.

Her garden is A disordered bed of grass enclosed by thorny bushes and shrubs. A greenhouse stands in the back left of the garden, housing exotic flowers and butterflies alike. The rows of flowers are growing without boundaries, there's not even a single weed in sight; they're buzzing with insects. The bushes and shrubs reach 1.8m/6ft high, but they have the potential to grow far bigger.

Various stones hint at paths around the garden, beckoning visitors to visit the garden's best sights. Grass are seemingly content with their positions in the garden, none trying to reach beyond, at least not yet.

The greenhouse demands all attention, but in doing so also draws attention to everything near it. The rows of flowers can't be denied their share of the attention, and the bushes and shrubs shouldn't be ignored, but the rest will just always be eclipsed by the greenhouse.

Henrietta's family has been searching for her, but Henrietta doesn't even know she has a family.

Emma is walking in the garden to plant seeds with Henrietta & Emily. Emma asks this question: "Why do you have no family, Mommy?"

Henrietta paused, then really thought: "Do I have a family? Everyone should biologically have a family." In deep confusion.

Henrietta says "I don't know. I should, shouldn't I?" Henrietta's memory is slaughtered by something.

What was once a shirt is now nothing more than pieces of fabric held barely together, it hangs from Emma's shoulders like a discarded old towel.

Both of the sides are torn and worn out, leaving much of Emma exposed to the elements.

Emma's wearing a worn-out poncho over her shirt. It's almost the right size, but dirty, smelly, and torn, but at least it helps her stay protected from the elements, even if only for a little.

Emma's pants are just as bad. There's a big tear at the backside and holes all across the sides. But at least she has shoes to protect her feet. Although they're ragged, way too big and the sole of the left shoe has come loose at the heel.

Emma wears a large scarf around her neck and has it wrapped around her face in a way that covers the chin. It's torn and worn, but otherwise in decent shape.

Emma's head is covered by a beanie, There's a small dirt stain on one of the sides, but that's its only real flaw.

What was once a t-shirt is now nothing more than dirty pieces of fabric barely held together, hanging from Emily's shoulders like a discarded old towel.

Holes and tears are scattered all over and leave much of her exposed to the elements.

Emily's wearing a scraggy vest over her t-shirt. It's worn out, dirty, and stained with grime, but at least it helps her stay warm, even if only for a little.

Emily's pants aren't much better either. The pants are covered in small tears and covered in unknown stains. But at least she has shoes to protect her feet. Although they're grimy, a size too small and a hole in the sole of the left shoe lets in water and dirt.

Emily wears a bandana around her neck and has it wrapped around her face to just below the nose. It's dirty and shoddy, but at least it doesn't smell.

Emily's head is covered by a beanie, There was once a small pom-pom on the top, but all that's left now is a small piece of yarn.

Emily says "Why do we have all these ugly clothes?" Angrily to her mother.

Henrietta says "Daddy refuses to buy us more." Sassy-like.

Emily asks "Why?" with a curious expression.

Henrietta thinks, she never knew.

Henrietta says to Emma, her tone affectionate, "Go and plant the strawberry seeds, okay?"

Emma does as told & sprinkles little black strawberry seeds on the ground.

Henrietta went back inside the house, but her "Husband" wasn't home.

Imagine thinking he'd stay longer than 8 weeks but he's gone.

Your hubby.

And he leaves for up to 7 months.

Henrietta calls him on her phone, the only number she knew besides 911.

Henrietta remembers no other phone number but emergency & his.

Henrietta tries to get him to answer.

He does. He says "I need you to stay on the line, Henrietta," As a woman named Lily is screaming at him "I hate you! You have another woman?! I hate you! Who is Marionette?! Who the heck is Marionette?! Who is she?! I heard you're a polygamist from that slut!" Then threw a vase at Robert.

Robert hung up.

Marionette... Was his real wife.

Marionette... Was the wife with legal papers saying they were married?

In fact, She's the only wife with ANY papers saying they are married.

In fact, she's the only one who had the conscious decision out of 7 women to marry him willingly.

To be continued...

To be continued

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