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Marionette lays in bed 1 week earlier.

Her husband is out once more. He's been gone for 1 month.

Marionette knew he was cheating.

Once Marionette found his diary, however...

And knew his job...

Marionette was crying.

He was a Therapist.

Marionette was a Russian woman.

Marionette knew he was so evil for this.

Marionette went & read all the parts about him...

Hypnotizing women into thinking they were his wife, he would never actually marry them.

Not even get illegal documents, just use his profession in hypnosis to hypnotize them into thinking they were his wives.

He has broken up healthy marriages, taken children from others to be raised by an absent person like Robert.

Robert knew he was absent. This was a joke to see what would happen if he tried it.

He wanted to play with each woman, only had sex with Lily & his true wife who was Marionette.

Lily was the one he favored sexually, he hated Henrietta & the idea of being in bed with her.

Marionette read about that.

In the diary, she read about how he'd joke about Henrietta thinking she was his wife due to hypnosis. She read about how he did it to all the women & made horrible & rude jokes about them.

Marionette was appalled.

This was horrific.

Her husband was a hypnotist but used it to trick women into thinking they were his wives & joking about how easily he did it when these women were all his patients.

Marionette was legally married to him & he never hypnotized her at all. He had hypnotized six other women...


No metaphor, he didn't charm the women, he put them on a table in his office & you may think he had sex, right? Heck no. He used techniques to actually hypnotize women.

No romantics, he would use his degree in hypnosis & therapy to actually hypnotize women.

Women would be slowly weaned from their families & friends until they lost all of their memories & were tricked into thinking they belonged to him.

After which, he'd begin to charm them.

He'd move them away from friends & family & have them live in the woods.

He'd have them bring their kids, he'd make them divorce their husbands & break up with boyfriends.

These women had families looking for them, police searches that came up short.

They'd all leave notes about wanting to break up, something horrifying.


I'd think you knew.

He hypnotized them into doing so.

He hypnotized most of them into willingly leaving with him with their kids.

Some just went with no questions like Lily.

Henrietta was hypnotized.

She liked the old house.

Once she moved out, he had this old abandoned house to move her into.

Her husband, JAMES, who was hypnotized into signing those divorce papers & had her two daughters, Emma & Emily, came home to an empty house.

Robert stole his family.

James was also a patient of Robert, which allowed Robert to hypnotize him but James had an argument with him and chose to get a new therapist.

Afterward, he'd argue with Henrietta about Robert.

James had no idea why he signed the papers, but James caught him hypnotizing another woman: Lily.

James chose to try & change his wife's therapist, but due to Hypnosis, she kept seeing Robert behind James' back.

By the time James realized it, it was too late.

Henrietta was with Robert, she had no idea that she was hypnotized into forgetting James, she genuinely believed that Robert was her man.

Robert felt powerful.

Robert never wanted to stop hypnotizing people into doing his bidding.

Marionette took it up with the police who didn't believe her story of hypnosis.

This was because all the women left behind notes of wanting to leave, they only investigated when the families showed serious concerns or signs that things weren't right.

Police were investigating, but no one was found, yet.

Lily was in tears because Robert had left her bedside when she left him.

Lily had only one baby boy named Robert Jr. who was Robert's first born biological son & 1 other, a baby girl named Sarai, from a marriage that Robert had ripped her from.

Robert was a horrific homewrecker.

To be continued...

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