Chapter twenty-three of As the Sun Rises

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Marinette had left the throne room behind Her, being led down another set of hallways, these much grimier and dark. She guessed that these were used only by the staff, which is why they weren't as extravagant as the others. The guard was still walking in front of Her, not so subtly glancing back every so often. She didn't like the way he continued to look at Her like prey. Any moment, Marinette expected him to push Her up against the wall, trapping Her between his arms and the rough stone. Marinette slowed Her pace, making sure that She was walking farther behind him.

A door opened at the end of the hall, another figure stepping through. The old woman's eyes immediately turned to Marinette, her expression just as harsh as every other person in the palace.

"This a new girl?" The woman's voice came out gruff and slightly annoyed.

"Yes, but She'll not be working under you," the guard said. "Lord Cash has assigned Her to his private chambers."

"Another one?" The woman asked, her eyes widening. "He's been going through chamber maids like dirty laundry these days."

Marinette's eyes flitted nervously around the room. She didn't like the fact that so many other girls had been coming and going so frequently. Fei's lists of Cash's crimes came to mind, and at least a few on that list would explain the constant overturn, though it wasn't an explanation that Marinette liked. "Have they been moved to other jobs within the palace?"

"Don't you worry your pretty head about it, girl," the housekeeper said. "What's your name, dear?"

"Lina," Marinette said. It had taken her a moment to remember what fake name She was using right now but still tried to seem calm.

The woman stepped forward patting Her on the shoulder. "It's a good name, though there's not much cause for me to try and remember it. I'll show you where to go and what needs to be done," she said, taking Marinette's hand and leading Her toward the door that she had come from before. The woman turned toward the guard. "You can run along now. I've had to chase you away with a broom from my girl's one too many times. I don't want to see you anywhere near this one, hear me?"

"You've got no authority to give me orders," the guard said.

"I should give you a smack upside the head. That's what I should give you," the housekeeper snarled. She slammed the door shut behind them, leaving the guard in the hall. Marinette found that She was now in the palace's kitchens. It was difficult to hear the housekeeper as she continued to speak over the sound of pots and pans banging together. "Stay away from those men, you hear me? This job is already hell, so don't make it any harder on Yourself."

"Yes, ma'am," Marinette said, nodding Her head.

"Where did you get your upbringing?" The housekeeper asked. "You've got quite the manners for a village girl."
"I never said I was a village girl," Marinette said. "Ma'am."

The housekeeper shook her head, looking down at the floor. "Never mind. Forget I asked."

Marinette followed the housekeeper through the kitchens and out another door that led to another set of hallways. These were much the same, dimly lit and covered in dust and dirt. The housekeeper walked fast and Marinette struggled to keep up with her.

"Try and use the staff corridors as much as possible," she said, speaking quickly. "It's not forbidden to walk through the palace halls, but You won't be bothered as much."

A cleverly hidden door opened into the main halls of the palace. Once shut, it was hard to see unless you knew what you were looking for. Marinette tried to think of some way She might be able to get word to Alya, Kagami, and Fei of the existence of the passage. They would be easier to use to sneak around than trying to stay hidden in the main halls, where a guard could come around the corner at any moment.

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