Chapter thirty-three of As the Sun Rises

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Things kept moving around Her. Marinette was vaguely aware of the fact that Chat and Nino were packing the remainder of their things, talking about meeting up with the others on the outskirts of town. That had been the original plan, anyway. Nothing had changed since the time Chat had first left and come back. Nothing for the rest of them, at least.

Neither of them made the effort to speak to Her, and Marinette probably wouldn't have answered. She only moved when Chat grabbed Her hand, pulling Her up to Her feet and toward the back entrance of the temple. He pulled the hood of Her cloak up for Her once more, placing his hand on the back of Her head to push it down. Marinette's face was completely concealed, Chat's hidden behind a mask. There was no way any soldiers lingering about would notice them, especially not with the celebrations going on outside.

It was hard to tell how long it took them to make it out of the city. Marinette just let Herself be pulled along, trusting Chat not to let go of Her hand. He wouldn't let Her get lost in the crowds, not in a million years.

Marinette couldn't help but think that they were being let go without issue. Surely, in any other circumstance, soldiers would be posted at the gates and checking the faces of everyone who passed through. If Luka knew that they were in the city and once again going on the run he was keeping his mouth shut about it. At least, Felix didn't know they were there. He would have ordered their capture the second he caught wind of it.

But, in some amount of time, they were outside the gate, making their way toward the beach. When Marinette finally looked up from the ground, She could see Alya, Fei, Kagami, and Alix waiting for them in the distance, talking amongst one another and holding the reins of a few horses. Something in Her brain snapped, and Marinette was suddenly and completely thrust back into the real world. Wherever She had been residing until now was some sort of offshoot of reality, but this was the truth and Marinette felt Her heart warm at the sight of those four.

It hit Her, that what Marinette had set out to accomplish was done. Creation had simply asked Her to bring the Four Dragons together again.

Slightly worse than that, Marinette now had no clue what She was supposed to do now.

She supposed She could just appreciate the result of the duty She had fulfilled. What was better than standing and looking at the ocean with new friends?

Marinette hadn't anticipated Chat still keeping a hold on Her hand. As She tried to step forward toward the group, he held Her back. She didn't look back, simply stood there tethered to him by his tight grip. Chat was looking at Nino. "Why don't you go on ahead?" he asked, but it wasn't even close to being a suggestion.

Nino had taken the hint, nodding his head slowly, and began moving toward the others. They'd noticed him walking that way, and Alya rushed to meet him in the middle, throwing his arm around her shoulder and helping him the rest of the way.

Chat finally dropped Her hand but didn't ask Her to turn around and look at him. Marinette was surprised that he remained silent. The waves crashed on the sand and some birds were singing as they flew overhead, but they were motionless. The rest of the world continued to move around them, but Marinette and Chat were frozen, each waiting for the other to break the tension that was continuing to build and suffocate.

"Are You going to be okay to travel?" Chat asked. She could hear him struggling to swallow, a lump had formed in his throat. "We can camp close by for a few days if Your injuries are still too much?"

"That sounds like a question you should be asking Nino," Marinette said. "Not Me."

He sighed probably a little louder and more dramatically than Marinette felt was warranted. "I want to ask whether or not You're okay to travel or if You need to rest more. It's been a hard couple of- It's been a hard day."

As The Sun Rises (Marichat) Miraculous storyWhere stories live. Discover now