Chapter One of As the Sun Rises

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This is not my story! I saw this on tumblr and wanted to share this on Wattpad for those who don't have tumblr! The creator is @marvelousmsmol on tumblr. I will be posting the next chapter when she posts it. Pls know that i didn't do any of these. So now then let's get started with the story.
Marinette always woke up just as the sun was beginning to rise. Her attendants had complained about her sleep schedule ever since she was a child, but they helped her dress anyway and prepare her to go to the temple just as the sky was turning from a dark, inky blue to a crimson red. Juleka, her head lady-in-waiting, bustled about, helping first slip the dress over Marinette's head and then her robe before finally tying the sash around her waist to hold it closed.

The clothes were white embroidered with red thread, perfect for the occasion. After performing, her duties at the temple this morning, Marinette would join her father to greet their subjects. The anniversary of her mother's death was a somber occasion, but queen Sabine had been deeply loved by everyone in the kingdom and her memory would be honored today with the greatest respect.

Juleka bowed as she stepped away from Marinette. "Is everything to your liking?"

"Yes," Marinette said, turning and bringing Juleka into her arms for a hug. "It's perfect. You always were much better at tying these knots than I was."

"Well, you have to practice when your job is to make the princess look at her best." Juleka said.

"You'll be joining us again later, right." Marinette asked, moments later.

"Of course." Juleka gave her a solemn nod. "I have to go and greet my brother at the gate but he and I will stand with you and your father later today."

"I didn't know he was coming back so soon," Marinette said, quirking an eyebrow. She turned away from Juleka, trying to hide the blush on her face.

Well, he's coming home  from this battle a hero, so you'll be able to brag to your father about that," Juleka said. "I think you missed him almost as much as I have."

Marinette didn't miss the teasing behind Juleka's words. "I have," Marinette said, turning back to her friend. "Though, I don't think telling my father anymore about how great your brother's record in the battle is will do much good. The king hates fighting, and Luka's one of the generals so that he doesn't have to deal with the details."

Juleka hummed in agreement, and Marinette turned back to the mirror, giving herself one last look-over. She smoothed out her skirts as Juleka walked over to the table, going through her jewelry box. "Final touch," Juleka said, pulling the golden crown from its box. Marinette bent down slightly and tilted Her head forward as Juleka pinned the crown in place. She made sure the beads dangling from it weren't covering Marinette's eyes and stepped back when she was finished, admiring her work. "Perfect."

"I'll take your word for it," Marinette said, only glancing in the mirror for a second. "I should get going. I don't want to be late."

The morning sounds of birds singing and a soft breeze moving through the trees grew louder as Marinette opened the door to her chambers and stepped out into the hall. Marinette frowned as she looked up and down the open-air corridor, seeing no one nearby. Her guard was supposed to be here to escort her, and he was usually never late.

It took her a moment to recognize the sound of snoring coming down below and walked to the other side of the corridor, leaning down over the railing and looking into the garden below. Sure enough, Chat was leaned against the wall, head propped up by his elbow on his knee.

Her guard wasn't late. He was just sleeping like he usually was.

"Chaton," Marinette called down to him. She didn't speak softly, not worried at all about disrupting his sleep. He was supposed to be on duty after all.

As The Sun Rises (Marichat) Miraculous storyWhere stories live. Discover now