Chapter 4

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You could hear the clatter of the fork, maybe he was eating.

As you eat you are surprised by the shoulder touch. You look behind you and you look up, you see Brahms. "I'm done." Using his young voice again. "A-ah ok ...?" You curiously said.

"Sorry, i'm not done yet. But i'm almost done." You modestly told him. "It's ok, I'll just wait for you." He said with a soft and sweet voice. He walked over to the front of the couch to sit next to you.

The surroundings were a bit embarrassing because only your food intake could be heard. "U-uhm Brahms?" You called. He looked at you, for somehow he's so cute.

He tilted his head a little. "Is there any wifi around? W-well you know– I can't go outside right? The wifi is far from us. I really need internet for me to watch whenever I am bored." You shyly said.

"There's wifi here. It's off." He simply said.

"U-uh... Can you turn it on? Don't worry I don't have anyone to call nor text. I'm just gonna use it to watch since there's no television here." You said with your most sweetest tone to convince him. And yes, success. You convinced him. Slowly, he stood up and went somewhere around the house. Your eyes followed his actions.

You watched him went downstair, some sort of basement?

After a few minutes, he came back again. He simply walked towards you and sat besides you. "It's open." He said.

You put the empty plate on the small table in front of you and pulled him for a tight hug. "Thank you~!" You thanked him excitedly. He slowly hugged you too. You pulled yourself a little, not breaking the hug. You stared into his nature-like eyes. You just gave him a giggle because of happiness.

"Would you like to watch some movies or series with me?"

— Brahms' pov

I am fully surprised when she hugged me so tightly. Turning the wifi on made her happy?

I can't see but I can tell my cheeks were burning so hard. She's squeezing me but I don't care, it felt so good under her embrace. She then pulled her self a little to face me. With her sparkling eyes and lovely smile, she asked me softly, "Would you like to watch some movies or series with me?"

It made me blush more. Her voice, it's so beautiful. I like it when she asks me something. She's a caring girl. And I love her for that.

It took me a seconds to answer, I gave her a nod. I can't talk, why? I'm too shy to talk around her. Why is she so adorable? We just met an hours ago, yet she immediately clung to me as if I had done nothing wrong. And now I love her for that.

She took her phone from her pocket. Her phone is beautiful and well-designed.

After some taps on her phone she hold it landscape. She stood up and sat on my lap that really made me red. My ears and nape is red and heating up now. "Are you uncomfy...?" She asked.

"N-no i'm not... I like how clingy you are." I admitted. She rested her back on my chest with a smile. Through her phone, a noise from it comes. The movie is starting, I guess.

I can't focus on what we are watching. I only focus myself on her. Why... I didn't expect this.

— your pov

What in the nutshell I am doing? Why am I so clingy? Well, I guess it's normal. I never hugged someone before.

We started watching a movie on my phone. I don't know if it's ok with him sitting on his thighs. While watching I noticed Brahms' hands shaking. And that's when I decided, "I'm sorry, I've only just experienced something like this."

I apologize to him. "It's not like that ... I like how clingy you are ... I just wanted to hug you around your waist." He shyly said. "Oh... It's fine you can hug me." I reassured me. I focused at the movie again. He gently hugged my waist.

And we keep watching. He looks okay if you hug him.

An hour and a few minutes, the two of us finished the movie. "Did you like the movie?" I asked him. I just felt him nod. I was still sitting on his lap. Maybe his thigh was hot because of the time I sat with him.

I turned off my cellphone and put it in my pocket. I was about to get up but he hugged my waist tightly, stopping me from getting up. "Uhm?" I hummed curiously.

"Why ... did you lose your fear of me ...? And why do you know my name?" He said in his low voice.

"When I first came here to this town, I asked a question about this town. And someone told me that the heelshire mansion was here. I was surprised and happy because I knew about your family and the accident. . but I don't tell others. I don't talk to people here much. But you, I think I can talk to you every day." I explained again, trying to speak with a calm and polite voice.

"How am I gonna trust you...?" He asked which shocked me. Well, we just met. It's fine. "Then watch me everyday. Stay with me everyday. I'll show you, I'll make you trust me."

— to be continued.

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