Chapter 14

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It's decided, you can't just let yourself crave for it. Go buy it.

You first peek at Brahms in your room, he's still asleep. You notice that his hugging his body because he is not covered and still naked. You approached the sleeping handsome man and covered his whole body. "Brahms I'll leave first. I'll be back in a minute, I'll be back here too." You whisper to him.

Of course, you called the taxi first. When the taxi arrived you grabbed your purse and put on a hoodie before leaving the mansion without making a sound so as not to wake the sleeping Brahms.


You have arrived at the market! It's been almost a month since you haven't been to the mall and it seems like forever.

You inhaled the smell of the interior and you felt the coolness of the aircon. You grab a basket and start searching for your cravings.

Your basket is almost full. You go to the counter to pay and pack your purchases.
A taxi is waiting for you outside. The driver helped you with your groceries and finally drove you home.

You saw how houses, street lights, and other street objects disappeared and turned into trees. You're almost there. You take a look at the beautiful scenery before being stuck at that mansion again.

You wondered if Brahms is awake by now. What would be his reaction if he knew you went outside to leave.


The warm breeze from the inside approached you as you stepped inside. You slowly closed the door and went straight to the kitchen. Gently, you put your groceries on the table.

You decide to look at Brahms. Is he awake yet? You go to your room where Brahms sleeps. Just in front of the door, you are nervous because he might be awake and looking for you by now.

You opened the door with your eyes closed. You are shocked to see that he is still lying down and sleeping soundly.

You can't help but smile. It was nice to watch him sleep, in the sunlight.

You approach the sleeping man. Gently applied palms to his long arm."Brahms?" You whispered his name to wake him from his deep sleep. "Brahms, it's time to wake up. Help me cook our breakfast."

and there it goes, the beautiful marble-like eyes slowly open. You can see your reflection here. You immediately smiled at him. "Brahms, I'm sorry. I left earlier and I just arrived. You've been sleeping quietly before so I don't intend to wake you up for permission. I just bought food."

Instead of getting angry, he wore the best smile behind the fake and porcelain mask. He always looks into your eyes, to show how he feels with every word and does what you do to him.

"You came back." He said.

You let your giggling sound escape out of your mouth, "Of course I do. I told you, I got nowhere to run or sleep. Only here, with you." You responded.

You saw how his eyes sparkle and you hear how his giggle sound so good.


The Brahms checked the food and other things you bought in the kitchen. He first took a small plastic with a seal, it should be earphones. He didn't speak, he looked at it as if he was interested in it. "It's called earphones."

"What does this thing do?"

"You use it for music. It let you listen to music privately. Meaning, you are the only one who can hear the music. Music can come from any gadgets, mostly phones. Wanna try?" I said.

He nodded excitedly. You smile as you take your phone out of your pocket. "I only have modern music. We can try finding classical music later." You notified.

You plugged the new earphone into your phone. You explained how to put earphones in his ear. He was able to do it well.

Before you play some music, You turn on the equalizer first so as not to hurt his ear and so that the quality of the song is good.

As the music unexpectedly plays, Brahms jumped back a little. His eyes enlarged but suddenly steadied. He seems so shocked. "It's so clear." He said with a shocked tone.

You giggled, "You're so cute when finding out new things, Brahms. Keep ongoing."

"What? I can't hear you." He said, you giggled.

- to be continued.

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