Chapter 19

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“And if love be madness, may I never find sanity again.” – John Mark Green

Inside him | Brahms' pov

After our make-out that night, My mind and soul keeps on shouting about how her skin is so delicate and smooth. I can’t see her that night, I wish I can. But it doesn’t matter, I touched her body, her perfect body.

I never expected her to be this close to me. I was anxious at first that she might be like the other nannies, especially Greta. The betrayal I felt that day keeps on bothering me. I can’t move on. I should’ve assassinated her that day. I don’t know.

Waking up beside someone, a woman. Yes, I’ll treat her like she’s my woman. Her gaze is looking into me while I'm napping. It made me blush, she’s smiling! She massaged my hair with her hand. That hand... What’s wrong with me? I’ll lose my senses.

I want to do it with her so badly that night. Our first time performing it was so good, I’m suddenly turned on by just thinking back to it over and over again. Her small moans and whimpers, calling my name. Those sluggish sounds that our mouth builds, I desire more from her. But I’m scared she might run away from me or avoid me if I do so.

At this age, I should have a relationship or a wife and a child. I’m falling for her. So sudden. She’s so caring, I feel so safe around her.


Brahms~ Brahmsy~

She called me. I would like to hear more of her voice calling my name. It made me stop and just stare at her. This is so amazing! The fact that she just came here and now she’s staying here with me makes me wanna jump and celebrate. Please call my name more, please I beg you call my name more...!

Every time you pat my back, my shoulders, my head, I feel like I'm flying so high. I feel like I’m in a Paradise with you. Would you love to stay with me for the rest of your life? ‘Cause I would love to do the same!

“Oh, Brahms! Don’t just stare at me again give me a response!’’ She angrily said. I stayed speechless for a second. Come on say something!

She crossed her arms, “Again, I’ll ask,” She moved closer to me, “Where is my dress?”

I can’t answer her. I just took it a few minutes ago while she’s inside the bathroom. It’s her used dress. I want to smell more of her scent before that scent of hers goes away. And also a new dress for the doll I embrace behind the walls. I trashed Greta’s suit dressed over the doll. Now I want her dress to be dressed on it with an additional of her scent. I’m such a creep. But this is how I say I’m obsessed with you. She’s like an obsession.

I gave her a trembling shrug. “I know you took it. It’s ok. You can tell it.”

“You’ll take it away from me again if I say so,” I said. She looked confused, “Of course I will! It’s my clothes!” Oh, you woman, you’re so confident, I adore you. How am I gonna tell this you? Maybe wait for the right time to say it.

I shook my head for a reply. I hear her sigh, “Seriously,” She closed her eyes and furrowed her eyebrow, “Why did you do that?” She asked. Should I tell her?

“Remember the doll I told you last night?”

Inside you

“Remember the doll I told you last night?” He asked me. “Brahms just tell me straight and let’s get done with this stealing.”



“I dressed that doll using your dress.”

“Dude, why do you have to do that? We can embrace each other—”

He motioned to push me onto the sofa harshly, it can break my nape! Shockingly he blocked both my sides with his hands and arms. His head lowered and reached mine. “What’s with you? Why’d you pushed me?” I moaned in suffering. “I’m treating you like you’re mine.” He growled.

“Yeah...? What about it?” I asked sickly.

“Don’t call me like that. I don’t like it. Here beside me, you’re a royal. So act like it. You’re all mine.” For somehow, he looks so cool when he’s sexually furious. I feel butterflies, please help—

I don’t like dudes when mad at me. But how the fuck does he looks so damn cool?

—to be continued.

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