Legacy Magic

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"I'm the first mage in my house since my great-grandfather."


"Yeah, unfortunately this was the price we paid for intermixing two bloodlines."


"You remember when I said that I have 2 Bloodlines right?"

I nod.

"Yeah, so these Bloodline traits, or Legacy Magic officially, are very rare. One person may only have one."

"I see." 

Is Legacy magic that much of a big deal?

"I do not know much about how exactly it happened but what I do know is that my ancestor married the daughter of another true noble house, thus intermixing their genes and passing on two different Legacy magic. With me so far?"


"This wasn't the first time someone tried something like this. Every other time the baby died a grisly death."

"Judging by how you're still here, that didn't happen here."

"Yeah, rather the chances of being a mage heavily declined."

"So, what are your Legacy magic?"

"An immense mana pool, multiple times greater than the average mage. And the ability to replicate and enhance any spell we've seen."

So that's how he was able to maintain it for that long. That's a pretty sick ability.

"How many times greater?"

"At least 10 times greater."

"Holy shit, that's a lot of mana!"

"Yeah, but it still has impurities so I can't really use all of it."

"What core stage are you?"

"Dark Yellow."

"I can't imagine what you'll be capable of after reaching white core..."

"I'm not sure I can reach white core. The lances are the only ones with a white core that we know of."

"Eh, you'll manage. You've got time. You're what 13?"


"And you're dark yellow at the age of 13. I'll give you 5-6 more years till you reach White, or at least High Silver."

"You have a lot of faith in me."

"Well you have the potential for it."

Speaking about potential, could he copy nacht spells as well?

"Hey, think you can copy this?" I ask as I bring a small greenish-black flame into existence.

"I dunno, let me try."

He stares at it for a few seconds before the fire starts to flicker.

Damn I can't keep this up for long. It's extremely hard to control in this form.

"Yeah, I think I've got the hang of it."

Releasing a sigh of relief I stop infusing nacht.

"Go ahead." I say.

He furrows his brows, concentrating on casting the spell.

A few minutes later a small green flame lights up on his index finger.

Huh? It's different than mine.

He looks at it skeptically, likely coming to the same conclusion as me.

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