The Ball part 2

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After talking for a few more minutes he halts as he notices something in the distance.

He turns towards me with an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry but it seems like its time to go, I'll see you at the academy," He waves at me as he departs.

"Sure," I say.

He met up with his parents, and it wasn't hard to see the resemblance, his father has the same black hair as his along with blood red eyes, while he shared his amber, almost orange, eyes with his mother a woman with auburn hair.

Figuring out its been long enough for Gideon to finish talking with my brother I head towards where I last saw them, which led me to the courtyard where Arthur was leaning against the railing talking with someone very familiar.

"-the little girl who used to hide from her parents and eat with the maids and butlers has all grown up now." Arthur teased.

"You got that right," I make my presence known.

Lilia turns towards the direction of my voice before exclaiming, "Fayden!"

"Hey, its been quite a while, I hear you've been doing well in Xyrus from one of your friends," I say.

"One of my friends?" She replies, confused.

"Yeah, he said his name was Nathan Ambers," I reply,

"N-Nathan?" She said, her cheeks tinged with pink.

"Yeah," I say before noticing her blush,

"Looks like someone has a crush," I add coyly.

"I-Its not like that," She replies, pouting.

"Your stutter says otherwise. Its alright, he seemed like a good person," I add, glancing at Arthur to see his relieved expression.

Both of us knew she had developed an infatuation for Arthur for helping her awaken as a mage, and he was relieved he wouldn't have to break it to her.

(A/N : Before anyone says 'Why not Fay? Why is it always Arthur?', remember Arthur helped them a lot more than Fayden who was trying to master his acquire phase rather than look over their awakening process, mostly because he knew Arthur was more than capable of doing it himself.)

Lilia turns an even darker shade of red and was about to respond when someone interrupted, "AHEM!"

Looking back I see Gideon.

"Sorry, young lady, do you mind if I borrow this boy?" He says, gesturing to Arthur.

Oh for gods sake!
You again?

Sighing I turn towards Lilia, "Lets go,"

"Yeah, I'll see you later then Art," Was her response.

We spent some more time conversing before hearing the ringing of a bell.

Its midnight, now Ellie is officially 8.

After more dancing, eating and present giving, the guests gradually started leaving, and soon it was only us and the maids.

And so Ellie began opening the gifts, which were mostly dresses.

Although one stood out, a rectangular one.

Bringing it to her I say, "Here this one looks different, maybe it has something other than a dress,"

To which Ellie enthusiastically started opening it, while I held it came along with.

"Who's it from?" Mom asked.

"I dunno, maybe this letter will explain," I say holding up the letter.

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