Rousing the Masses.

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I didn't immediately head to my room, instead searching for three familiar mana signatures.

Luckily they weren't very far from my location, and so I headed towards them, letting my mana flare up for just a second.

They got the message as they began moving, in my direction.

I ran into them in a corridor near the healing halls of the castle, "There you are."

"Hey man, long time no see!" Owen threw one of his arms around my shoulder.

I chuckled at his enthusiasm, "Yep, over three years."

"I can't even sense your core, you must have gotten much stronger under the guidance of your benefactor." Brandon commented.

"I'm a high silver core mage now, and that's not half of it."

Claire shook her head, "Seems like it will take us a while to get to your level, and you're four years younger than me too."

"Not as much as you think," I said cryptically. Again, damn you Noctis.

"We've only barely made it into the initial silver stage, with Claire here being close to breaking through it. By the time we catch up, I'd reckon you would already be well into white core." Brandon provided his input, not knowing what I had in mind for them.

I shrugged, "That might be true, but then again it might not."

"I brought back some souvenirs, here." I tossed each of them one of the chips.

They stared at it in confusion, before I snapped my fingers, activating them.

The chip 'melted' in their hands, each taking a different shape and eliciting a different response from each of them.

Azrul didn't tell me this would happen. That sly bastard is probably laughing his ass off at my expense.

Claire jumped in surprise; Brandon calmly stared at it, an eyebrow raised; and Owen shook his hands rapidly,trying to get rid of it as he kept repeating 'Get it off me! I'm too young to die!'

"A tad bit melodramatic don't you think?" I commented, amused at his reaction.

"You try staying calm when a chip of metal literally melts in your hands!" He shot back.

"Give it time." I said calmly.

The one in Claire's hand had already formed a hilt, an elaborate knuckle guard and a pommel.

Brandon's one had covered half of his hand, extending to his elbows.

And Owens' one had turned into a pole, still stuck to his hand.

By now Claire and Owen had calmed down somewhat as they just let the device work its magic, although Owen still kept his hand far away from his body.

From the hilt, a long thin blade of swirling black and white emerged, from the pommel another handle materialized, with a crossguard of similar design and a small blade of swirling black and white. It looked detachable.

The gloves had turned to black gauntlets, the edges and knuckles being pure white, ending in razor sharp claws.

And the black pole formed a scythe head of the same color one on end, although the sharp portion of it was white. From the bottom of the pole extended a small blade, similar in coloration as the main blade.

All three weapons radiated power, they made Solaris and Shroud look like toothpicks in comparison.

Although I guess I can't complain since I am basically a demigod by this point.

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