Episode 20 a Predator always wins against a Prey

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It a beautiful morning, already KCWY are up and at it, training away developing  their skills and their semblances, Yang and Weiss are taking a break after completing the Obstacles course.

"I wasn't expecting the obstacles course to be that toughed" Weiss stated wrapping the sweat off her forehead, downing the water down her neck, Yang takes off her jacket and wraps it around her hips

"For once I agree with you, I wonder what Jamie and Kyle are going to think of the.." she gets distracted as Jamie and Kyle tackle the course and finish it with ease, Yang and Weiss just sit there with their mouths open.

"Well I wasn't expecting our performance on the obstacle course to be a jaw-dropper" Jamie stated as him and Kyle walk over to them. 

"Maybe they are Impress by our performance" Kyle pointed out getting a nod from Jamie as they sat down next to Yang and Weiss.

"How on Earth did you two do the course and not even out of breath?" Yang curiously asks

"It simple really I grew up in hot topical habitat which contain a small parkour and obstacles course, and Kyle is really good at running and jumping" Jamie explain

"That because of the bullies chasing after me in PE" Kyle pointed out, they chatted for a bit before  they decided to continue training, Jamie decided to sit for a bit until he was join by a altas student.

"Sup dog, have you seen how hot that blonde is, oh man my eyes can't stop looking at her" he stated as he drinks his water

"I will let you slide on the dog thing,  also she is my teammate" Jamie stated making the boy spit out his water.

"Your joking right?, man you are so lucky, do you mind if I ask her out" He simply asks getting a serous look from Jamie

"She already taken" Jamie lyingly stated as he gets up and walks over to his teammates

Training continue on throughout the day, and with a altas having a crush on Yang (I can imagine why) things were going smoothly until everyone group up for a special activities in a one v one match against the two schools, Up first it was Jamie and the match got under way his opponent is  very quick with his weapons until he cheated by calling in backup.

Jamie manages to deal with it well until he gets trip up and pinned to the ground.

"You can't defeat me in combat school, you can't even beat me now, how pathetic" he stated as he begins to punch Jamie  Suddenly He manages to flip over and begin punching back breaking through his aura,  Yang steps in and pulls Jamie away trying to stop the fight before he causes anymore damage.

He breaks free and charges at altas students once more, Jumping into the air kicking him in the face somersault into the air before landing violently to the ground. 

"All you do is Shit talk, look where it gotten you" Jamie Stated, laughing slightly as he walks away.


After Jamie match things are tense, with everyone now wanting him to be punished for his actions no one knows we're he is, well part from one person, because she with him talking on the rooftops of the building they are standing in.

"You don't know how much enjoy I am in right now, like I finally did it, I beat that Bastard who bullied me called me a nobody, does this what it feels like to finally achieve something" Jamie express as he walks around the roof with a smile on his face.

"Was it worth it though? You literally sent the kid to the hospital with a broken a jaw and a  collarbone, I am starting to not like this side of you, like you are happy that you beat someone up that something not to be happy about" Yang stated as Jamie sat down next to her.

", I remember you saying that you enjoyed beating and destroying  up  Juniors  bar, you should understand how I am feeling right now" Jamie replied getting a disgusted look from Yang as she stand up.

"I can't talk to you when you are like this, I will only talk to the Jamie I know, and he isn't a asshole like his ego self currently being" Yang pointed out, Jamie gently nods his head before getting up and kicks over the random bin that place there.

"Fuck sake!!, I became the thing I hate in this world, a person with a weak ego, I thought I moved on from my days of Hatred and anger but I am still the same as I was then" Jamie express as he  crumbles to his knees and let's out a sea of tears into his hands, Yang slowly gets to his side and hugs him for comfort as he cries into her shoulder. "What is wrong with me Yang?, why do I let this happen to me".

"There nothing wrong with you Jamie, it alright to feel this way, when we do get to beacon, maybe you should talk to someone about what going on inside your head" Yang softly replied as Jamie wrap away the tears slowly letting go.

"Maybe I should, this has helped,Thanks Yang for understanding and I am sorry that I was a bit of a asshole earlier" Jamie comment, getting a kiss on the cheek by Yang as she got up and walk away

"No worries, I will see you later okay?" Yang stated walking down the stairs to enter the building, Jamie just sits there with Rosie cheeks.

'I like it when it just me and her, I feel like she understands me and I respect that' Jamie thought to himself.


The next morning things were hectic, every single altas students is standing in front of Jamie and Kyle room shouting and protesting about last night match, as a sea of hate hits Jamie, he doesn't care about it.

"EVERYONE PLEASE SHUT THE HELL UP FOR ONE MOMENT PLEASE!" Jamie yelled everything goes quite "thank you, I do apologised for my actions towards your classmates but let's be real here who actually like the guy here? , or are you reacting like this because of me being a faunas"  small chatter begins to fill before suddenly they all went away to have a think about it as Jamie close the door and takes a deep breath in relief.

He opens the door to go and do some training but there was something blocking his path it was Professor Goodwicth standing there with a angry expression on her face.

'Oh shit, well I bet it time to say goodbye to my dream in coming a huntman' Jamie thought to himself as he follows Professor Goodwicth to her room to have a little chat. 

End of episode 20

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