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*Not edited*

Emily POV

It's been two days since I have talked to Harry and I'm pretty sure he's gone, but I can't understand why I still get food every morning and night.

The sun is starting to set and Harry is still not back, and my fever has gotten higher. Ever since Harry left after I told him how I felt about him or whatever, I been getting ill for some reason.

I currently laid on my bed with a cold towel on my forehead looking out the window in hope that Harry comes back.

Harry POV

The woods got darker and darker by the second but I knew I was closer to the tower.
I felt bad for leaving Raina alone and endangering her being taken back to her father but she angered me.

I was only her "brother" nothing more.

Once I saw the tower I sighed and walked quietly in case Raina was sleeping.
When I reached inside my room, I noticed that some of my things were moved.
The only person that could have come down here is Raina but she's too clueless. I ignored it and went up to see Raina and her state currently.

When I got to the top step I saw Raina laying on her bed breathing heavily and shaking. Her eyes were closed so I went inside her room and got closer to her.

The closer I got the more ill she looked her pale skin was covered in sweat and her eyes had dark circles underneath.

I quickly went down to my room and looked through my drawers looking for medicine but once I found the crystal bottle it was empty.

The only choice was to go into town and get a new bottle. I got all my money in my drawer and ran as fast as I could in hope of getting there before they closed.

After miles of running I got to the town and searched for the small shop were a doctor lived.

Once I found the shop a walked in quickly and asked loudly "do you have any medication for fever"

The doctor looked at me and then went into a small room in the back and minutes laters of glass bottle clicking he came out with a glass bottle similar to mine.

"30 gold coins" the doctor said

My eyes widen at the price, but I still took out my money counting the coins.

"I only have 25 gold coins" I said disappointed

"No deal" the doctor said walking away to the back of the room with the bottle
Raina could die because of this selfish man just because he wants 5 more stupid gold coins. I went behind him and snapped his neck taking the bottle from him and running out of the shop.

It was so quick I didn't even realize what I did until I was grabbed by both my arms.

"You're under arrest for stealing and attacking a fellow citizen" a man voice spoke next to me

When I turned a knight suit shined and to my other side another knight.
They dragged me from the exit taking me back to central town where I would probably put in a jail cell.

I hope my Raina can survive the night

The two men drag me but I'm not letting them take me while my Raina is dying. Swiftly I kick one and knock it down and take my knife out attacking the other one.

I take its helmet off and slit its throat then wasting not time I do the same with the other. Just like that its all over in the blink of an eye.

I see the glass bottle on the floor and pick it up putting it in my pocket before anything else happens.

When Im walking down the trail to the woods I start hearing horses and voices. That's when I realize I'm being hunted down by the knights.


I run off the trail and instead go into the woods wishing to see the tower soon. After running to what seems forever I'm finally in the boundary of my home.

Except there's something different ...there's light in Raina's window.

But that was not what scared me it was the long black shadow holding a sharp object next to Raina's bed.

.A/N EArly update bc we hit 1K WOOO🎉🎉🎉 I would like to thank everyone who has read this story, I love you lots and hopefully we reach 2k someday:)

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