Chapter 10: Tea Leafs.

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I knock on his door. He says to come in.

'Hydra Lupin-Black. I go by my middle name, Hope.' I yell to a very confused looking Lupin.

'Have you been crying?' He asks quietly.
'Yes. Tell me about bogarts. Can you experience hallucinations when facing one?' I ask, refusing a seat he pulls out for me.

'Not commonly no. Did you?' He responds and then examens my face.
'No.' I say so unconvincingly that there was not even any point in saying it, to be honest.

'Why are you here, Hydra?' He asks softly.
'You saw my bogart.' I put simply.
'I did. So why are you here?' He asks, but it's not a question for me. I don't think I think it's one more for himself.

'You abandoned me.' I say simply before turning and heading to leave.
'But I still want my father.' I say stoping at the door.
'And you're all there is, I'm pretty sure dad wants me dead.' I say so quietly it was barely audible. He stands up and heads towards me. I leave quickly.

I've been here a few weeks now and have efficiently ignored my father. People seem to be really scared of my dad as he's been spotted closer and closer to the school. Me and Hermione are getting pretty close, which is nice, and I am yet to sleep in the hufflepuff dorm rooms. I don't know why, to be honest, but I'll either sleep in the Griffindor dorms after falling asleep doing school work, or I'll sleep in the library for the same reasons.

The next lesson is divination and muggle studies. I find Hermione in the hall with Harry and Ron.

'Hey Hermione, want to head to class?' I ask her, putting on my best "I'm great" voice. She smiles and says yes, and we head of to muggle studies, which is infact the most boring thing ever. After that me and Hermione rushed to use the timeturner to go to Divination.

We run up some stairs to meet the two boys and head to the classroom. Divination isn't incredible, but it's an alright class. Draco Malfoy, who is the same boy who tried to pick on Hermione and the boys on the train, got attacked by a hippogriff and has been stroping ever since. I've made friends with Cedric Digory that boy from breakfast and he's been teaching me quidditch, I know it for the most part but he's trying to get me to be a chaser for the next match.

We reach the classroom and head in. We've been reading tea leaves over and over again. Honestly, it's a bit boring, but the Professor seems to like me. We take our seats at the back of the room. Yay, reading tea leaves again. I drink my tea and start to read Hermiones tea. I see a sun, moon, and stars.

'You're reaching for your goals as seen by the stars but your taking too much on as seen by the moon, that means your losing control and if you where to stop you'd reach better happiness as seen by the sun.' I say to her and place down the mug, she struggles not to laugh.

'That was very impressive, Miss Hope!' Says Professor Trelrony who then takes my mug from Hermione. She gasps and hands me the mug.
'What do you see?' She says, sounding worried. I look at the leaves. There is a tower.

'Big changes are coming.' I turn the mug over. Death.
'I see the grim reaper. This doesn't me I'm going to die, death just means that I'm going to experience something new however the fact that both the tower and the death and upside-down I'm thinking they're going to be negative.' I explain to her that the class is now listening intensely.

'I suggest you prepare for pain, Miss Hope.' She says sadly. Hermione roles her eyes, but the Professor doesn't see this. Throughout the rest of the lesson, Professor Trelrony keeps giving me sad looks. I nearly role my eyes.

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