Chapter 14: Love doesn't care.

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Me and him sat in the classroom for a few minutes in silence.
'You're not dad.' I say suddenly, and he works on healing my hand.
'Well, no.' He says, concentrating on healing my hand still.
'So what do I call you 'cus I mean, I've been calling you Father, then Lupin and some other choice names for a while so, what do I call you 'cus Dad's taken bud.' I say, part of me genuinely curious and part of me just trying to lighten the mood.

'What do you want to call me?' He asks, moving on to healing my face, I look down at my hand and see that sadly, it has scared a bit.
'Maybe, moony.' I say wincing a bit, who knew faces were so sensitive.
I see he smiles slightly.
'How'd you know that name?' He asks.
'What do you mean?' I ask, the main reason I chose it was because his bogart was the moon.
He tells me to forget what he'd said.
'Please, don't leave me again.' I whisper. He pauses and looks me in the eyes.
'I won't.' He says and continues to heal my face.

'Should we tell the rest of the staff?' There was a scream from outside.
'I think they know.' He says focusing on healing me more.

He finishes healing me, and I look across the room to a little mirror he has placed.
'It's not too bad.' He says as I walk to the mirror. In the reflection, I see three scars run from my left eyebrow to the bottom of the right side of my face. I could cry, I feel hideous. All I can think when I look at them is how my own dad did this because clearly something mattered more to him than me, and this does make me cry. Lupin, I mean Moony, comes over to me. I look at his face and realise he also has a lot of scars on his face, I've always noticed them, but then it clicks.

'You're a werewolf.' I say.
'That's what got in the way. Prejudice.' I say slowly. Moony doesn't look at me and instead stares at the floor. I hug him tight.
Someone knocks at the door. In walks Snape. I glare at him, but he instead stares at my scars with a look of not really care or concern and more. Oh, that happened.
'I've been told to find you Miss Hope, your father has broken into the school.' He drones.

'Yeah, I kinda know that.' I snap. He goes to yell, I think, but Moony jumps in.
'He attacked Miss Hope by the portrait door, and then she came here for help. She was scared Severus, she still is, don't be harsh.'

Snape narrows his eyes and says he'll get Madame Pomfrey to look me over and leaves.
'He's a dick.' I say, crossing my arms.
'Dont use language like that, but yes, yes, he is.' Moony says, looking at the door.

'Does he know about the werewolf thing?'
'Yes. He makes me wolf bane.'
'I wouldn't trust him with that.'
'He's not all bad. He's just'
'A dick.'

Professor McGonagall walks in with a worried look on her face. I smile at her, I don't think I've actually spoken to her since she came to my house in the summer, or at least not properly. She's an amazing teacher, and I really enjoy transfiguration with her, I find it quite hard, but I can just manage to get alright marks.

She walks up to us and wipes away the worry quite quickly. It's amazing, to be honest, I wish that I could easily hide how I feel.

'It's important you tell me what happened, Miss Hope.' She says, I look to moony and diside I'll cover for my dad this ones. God, I can be really soft sometimes.

'I don't know, I-I just can't explain it.' I say and start to fake cry.
'He- i-' I fake stuter.
'I just thought he loved me.' I say slowly. I look past McGonagall to Moony, who looks a mix of shock and pride. Why are we both protecting this man?

McGonagall says we can discuss this tomorrow and tells me to make my way to the great hall with Moony once Madame Pomfrey has been to check me over. Maybe I'm better at hiding my emotions than I thought.

I guess love doesn't care.

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