Chapter 23: Suply Teacher Snape.

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Harry and I run to class, we're both running late for Dada but that's fine because Moony is the teacher. Oh how wrong I was. We run into the classroom and stutter out an apology only to see Snape stood behind Moonys desk! Of course, it was a full moon last night, he must be too ill to teach.

'10 points Potter, 10 points Black.' He spits.
'Hydras fine. Sir.' I say slowly. He glares and me as Harry and I take our seats.

'As I was saying. Turn to page 394.' We do just this. Werewolves. Oh hell no. My hand has never shot up so fast. Snape looks at me then looks away so I speak anyway.

'We're not supposed to be starting werewolves yet. Sir.' I spit at him, not even attempting to hide my hatred.
'Yes well I am the teacher, not you Miss' He pauses. 'Black.' He says with a twisted smile on his face. I grimace.
'Hydras fine.' I say, dropping the Sir. He doesn't get my respect.

'Well Miss Black, perhaps you can tell us the difference between and werewolf and an animagi.' Hermiones hand shoots up.
'Hydra.' I spit.

Snape turns towards Hermione who is practically leaping out of her seat.
'Oh sit down you insufferable know it all!' He snaps, I go to yell but Ron beats me to it.

'You asked a question, she wants to answer it.' He spits at Snape, leaping to his feat.
'Sit down Weasley! 20 points from Grythindor!'

Ron sat down and we got on with the lesson. It was utter rubish. I did no work, just sat there glaring at Snape.

He finally dismissed the class, after setting an essay. I told my friends to go off without me and went towards Snapes desk.

'You're a vile, pathetic little man, do you know that?' I spat at him with venom.
'What ever do you mean Miss Black?' He asked in his slick, evil voice.
'For the last fucking time it's Hydra! I want nothing to do with that murderer! If you're so set on calling me by my last name call me Lupin!' I yell.

'Personally I'd rather a murderer than a halfbre-' I cut him off by slapping his face so hard the sound echos around the room.
'Why you evil, disobedient little bi-' He yells standing up ready to hit me back but he manages to hold back. But if looks could kill, I'd be screaming in hell right now.

'Remus Lupin is a better man than you will ever be. Do you understand? You little coward of man.' I scream as I leave the room.
'You're a psychopath! Just like your filthy father! Detention for the next month!'

I slam the door knowing full well I won't be attending that stupid detention.

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