Sides and Pain

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Warning; some spoilers for "working through intrusive thoughts" (WTIT)

So ive been working on this theory for a while, but with the most recent episode, one of my head cannons now has more substantial evidence.

I have for a long time theorized that some of the sides process pain differently.

Patton of course processes emotional pains. Generally speaking this stems from external things, interactions with other people, world events, society and what not

Roman's pain is self-centered and ego-centered. The idea of a "bruised ego" if you will. If Thomas feels bad about himself, then Roman will be the one to feel it.

Imagined physical pain, that's Remus's domain. As we saw with the knife, and the murderer in the video, Remus experiences pain, though in both cases, it was imaginary. After the knife, Remus put on an eyepatch. Whereas how before, with Logan, Logan recovered nearly instantly when Remus injured him. Additionally, pain is like an intrusive though. The more you focus on it, the worse it is. If you are distracted, it may not go away, but it won't be as bad until something draws your attention to it.

Based off of previous interactions, I believe Logan is more of a representation of legitimate physical pain.

Virgil is obsession over pain. As anxiety, he is prone to focus on pain and obsess over it, and panic because of it.

On the flip side of that, Janus is denial of pain. Pretending it doesn't exist even when it definitely exists.

Anyways, thats all I got this one. I know its not a lot, but I wanted to get it out there before it slipped away again.

Let me know what you think! Comment and vote!

Stay safe!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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