The follower

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Along the poorly illuminated alley I walked on my way back from my friend Sara's end of school costume party, there is not one star in the sky tonight just dark clouds that hide the moon.

It's exactly nine thirty and I thought the shortcut would work but I'm almost totally positive I'm being followed, my warn out boots splash in the new puddles from the last rain fall, it's been raining almost every day here in Toronto.

The old street lamps flicker casting large shadows across the old brick walls holding the weight of piles of garbage in shining black bags.

I feel his eyes on my back, in my mind I am yelling curse words at him as I get ready to run.

3 2 1, I counted as I picked up the pace into a mad dash for safety, my blazer fly's behind me like a cape.

The traffic lights are just a block. I could make it; soon I heard his feet hit the ground in a hypnotizing rhythm as a background sound through the overwhelming pound of my beating heart and quick steps.

I jumped a pile of garbage trying to keep my distance from the follower, in the back of my mind I told myself to scream as loud as I could but I could not let myself do it, not yet anyway; if i wanted to get out of this alive or at the very least unharmed i need help and fast; I can't run forever.

I got close to the end of the alley but it still felt far away. My thighs started to cramp and my running turned into a slightly deranged limp jog.

"Man how long is this stinking alley?"

I wondered as it started to drizzle; so much for my awesome Indiana Jones costume (minus the whip).

Oh never mind it was water proofed, and Sara helped me buy it because it was way over my budget of 15 bucks, she said it would look amazing with my figure and would help me get Donnie's attention. I tripped over an old lighter and jumped back to reality.

"God dam smokers" I whispered as I stared to lose speed, I knew I shouldn't have eaten that chocolate cake at Sara's house.

As i began to lose my train of thought I realized the follower was closer than before but i couldn't see his face, not like i tried very hard to anyway, I lost control and let the scream throw my lips, it echoed through the ally and I saw heads tern of the drivers in the nearby streets.

"HELP!!" I screamed as I reached the lights of the cross walk, no one stopped or even made the slightest move to help so I dashed across the street before the lights changed and almost got hit by a pink dodge.

I wasn't about to run home because he would know where I lived so before i thought twice I ran straight to my neighbourhood church.

The roads were wet and covered in chunks of gravel and the summer heat was causing me to sweat.

The houses leading up to the church pass in a blur, over grown front lawns, porches overflowing with unwanted junk; ever heard of a dumpster people? And chipping concrete steps.

I turned the corner and saw the church, old gray pointed stones created the walls with a large arched oak door about ten feet high and dozens of stained glass windows with a small bell tower at the back end of the church, it looked like it always did, and it never changed ever since I was a two years old up till now.

But I don't believe in god i stopped believing when i was ten after i found out i was adopted and it dawned on me how stupid the whole idea of someone watching over you sounds, the only reason I still go is because there is free food at the end of mass and my friend is always there.

Some people say that its disrespectful to do that but is it really?

I skipped every other step and almost tripped as I bashed through the big wooden doors, probably breaking the extreme quiet of the church.

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