Chapter 3 - Teaser

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I closed the door as soon as we were both in, The room was pitch black and I couldn't see Mindy at all but I knew she was their I could hear her breathing, the room wasn't big as far as I could tell it just about fit me and Mindy.

Could this really be happening, you always here stories about those kids who are kidnapped and are never seen again you give them about ten second of your time and then go back to whatever dumb thing you were doing before not even considering that it might happen to you one day. I started nibbling on my nails, I could taste the neon green polish and I quickly spit it out and for a moment I forgot that nail polish was toxic. I heard Mindy's quiet, quick breaths as i counted the seconds.

"Will you calm down, we are going to be fine" I whispered, she was hyperventilating and even though I took seven first aid courses I didn't know what to do, I think I was away for the class where they taught us about being followed. I shifted in my seat to get in a more comfortable possession. Why can't they make secret rooms bigger! Uhhgg!

"Cora?" it was Mindy "yeah what is it" I whispered trying to stay calm, it wasn't working!

"Why are you holding my arm? "She asked her voice wavering.

"I'm not" I answered confused.

"Then if it's not you... who is it!?"

I didn't have time to answer because someone is here, someone we don't want here, I would have screamed but there will be time for that later right now I needed to get Mindy out. I grabbed her arm and kicked the door, it flung open without effort. Mindy wasn't even up when I yanked her out the tiny door and slammed it shut.

I turned around quickly and almost passed out, I wasn't in the St. Bridge's church anymore but what me and Mindy saw was far from normal, for us anyway.

"Just great" I said trying to slow my breath"where the hell are we?"We stood on what I thought was a cliff looking over some town or village where ever we are.



"I said were in Brazil"

"How do you even know that Mindy?" i asked

She was home schooled and how she knew where the hell we were was beyond me.

"Well I'm not completely sure but it looks like Estado do Acre in east Brazil, I've seen pictures of it in books, I think..." Mindy said, actually it was more like a whisper she was just too stunned to breathe.

I looked around at the crumbling buildings some couldn't even stay up straight they were slanted to the left and right, and the people looked like ants moving around as if in lines, wearing rags and scrapes of once was probably nice clothing, picking at empty cans of food someone else had gotten to eat.

Digging in garbage cans and dumpsters willing to eat anything and some carrying baby's who were crying loudly for food, or at least something that resembled a baby. My eyes scanned the horizon and fell upon a silvery blob in the distance with sparkling buildings; I saw things fly around over head the buildings. I noticed the sky, it was a brilliant indigo ignited by two burning suns.

I stepped back in disbelief this could not happen; it just was not possible to be in one place and then -snap- somewhere else. I must be hysterical!

"You are not hysterical Cora" said a voice from behind.

I spun around and suddenly I was face to face with an incredibly handsome boy, at least 16. He had long sandy blond hair with bangs almost covering his eyes and I was happy his eyes weren't covered because they were a bright blue and they burned right into me I felt like I knew him from somewhere, he was slightly taller than me and had pale skin and freckles. Then he stepped back and I noticed Mindy was beside me and he looked at her for a moment as if he was debuting whether or not to push her of the cliff but shuck himself out of his thoughts and looked directly at me.

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