Meet the Dremfolk

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I took everything in, it was like seeing a whole new pun intended. And it was nice to really see the wild without the fear of having to run for your life, you really get to see the beauty of the it.

Since we left our little camp site we trudged through a freaking bog covering my entire lower body in some sort of mud or slim. Ate some kind of weird fruit for lunch and even now Mark still leads this expedition. We stopped at star dust falls ( a water fall if you didn't know)and washed off most of the dirt. I went to the bathroom but not in the water obviously, i had a really hard time taking off my pants because i had this sneaking suspicion someone was watching me but i really had to go so i sucked it up and went.

Damien hasn't talked since i ignored him witch i really don't blame him for, his kind of looks like the hunchback of notra dame all scrunched up like that. His bangs hang in front of his eyes and he's walking like zombie and not once did i see him blink. Meanwhile I have been cut, scraped, tripped and screamed at and only one of those were self inflected. But i was just getting use to the rapid healing so nothing really bothered me for long.I really want to talk to Mindy but i scared she'll hiss at me for coming to close to her human obsession (aka) Mark, i pick up the pace and grab Mindy's elbow, she flinches and stops. "Mindy you okay?" I ask not really sure what the answer will be.

"Yeah but isn't Mark so cute, don't you think we'll get married some day?" she said with a sigh, pooh for brains! What is it about this guy for Mindy that's makes her go all weak in the head? I flicked her on the forehead and she returned it with a glare then she blinked.

"hey in ever got to ask you about that weird force field from before and it kind of tugged at my brain when Mark mentioned that we could be getting powers? What if that's your power! Whatever it is" She said excitement in her eyes "I never thought of that, i guess i could ask Damien about it" she jumped scaring me "no, i want to tell Mark!" she whimpered making a puppy dog eye's "ahhh fine WE'LL ask him about it okay?" she smiled and skipped ahead in step with Mark.

Powers Already? But Mark said that it took awhile for powers to come in and besides i don't even know how i did that it was just luck that my being picked up an electrical current, nothing special. I pushed some leaves out of the way they shone different colors and i noticed that nothing here was the same color as something else, it was amazing really, i secretly searched for another one of those cute little plants with eyes but i couldn't find any more.

I heard voice, voice that didn't sound like Mindy,mark or Damien and it sound like someone was yelling. As we went along they became clearer and i could make out some words."Well do you see her...that's not my fault! You numb skull... hey if i had known she was fast i would have ran to catch her, i thought all those idiot vamps would be fat by now with all those unicorns they suck back...whoa! Watch it your breath stinks! Even from way down their" the voice trailed on, it sounded like a girl; was she talking to herself?

Suddenly a body broke through the bushes; a girl,she stumbled catching herself; almost scarred the scream out of me. She was a little shorter than me with jet black hair filled with red streaks and coal colored eyes, her clothing was somewhat normal she wore black shorts covered in rips and her top was black as well, spotted with a shimmering dark red. I'm just going to assume that's cranberry juice.

My eyes scanned her like a robot; she had quite a few weapons on her, stakes, daggers, bow and arrows and a sword slung around her shoulder, my eyes slid down to her legs where she had a long snake tattoo running from the top of her leg to the bottom, i squinted was her tattoo moving?

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