Chapter 4, w.w.w.w

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Whoam I? Where am I? When I looked back the mysterious creature was gone and I was alone. I sat their confused, how did I get here? Why did I feel painin my left hand; I pulled it up to meet my eyes and my hand was dissolving intonothing. I tried to scream but all that came out was a gurgle, I jumped up andhit my head on something, I looked up and there was nothing there. This wasbeyond weird.I tried out my voice again. "Am I aloud to talknow?" my voice echoed, what? If there's an echo then there's more here; for asound to echo it has to have something to bounce off of. I slowly got up,"no... Pain?" I shoved my hands out in front of me; I still had two hands, "hello!Is there anyone here?" i looked aroundthough it didn't feel like it, everything was white, just plain white nothingmore nothing less."Cora..." said a new voice. I couldn't figure outwhere it was coming from it seemed to be everywhere at once! A silhouette appearsand crosses the open expanse of white. It calls out again, "Cora" I seemed to be the only one here so that must be me,and my name is...Cora? Man this isjust ridiculous, none of this makes sense where am i? Someone placed a hand onmy shoulder or at least i think it was a hand, "Get off me!" I screamed "not intill you tell me where it is" it screeched back. "What in theworld are you talking about" i asked slightly confused, it hissed and sentshivers down my spine. "Do you say you know not of where it came from or thatyou do not have it in your position right at this very moment?" it whispered inmy ear, giving me the Hebe jibes. "If I have it right now and you want it sobad why don't you just take it?" I ask "Because myfellow nightmare here in the dream-world none have the power to grasp solidobjects" fellow nightmare? Dream-world? What the heck was this guy talkingabout? But if I wonted answers I was going to have to play the reversepsychology card if i was going to find out what IT is. I really hope thisworks."Okay you got me, I have it but I'm not too sure YOUknow what it is?" I said smugly folding my hands over my chest "oh of course Ido my little shiver" it purred "everyone in Ionna knows what it is" the voicewas distant now, too far to hear the other words it said. "Is this somekind of game? What's Ionna" I asked the shadow but it was gone and I was alone.I was starting to see black at the corners of my eyes and I felt sleepy allover again. I lost my balance and the world tipped over with me along with itonto its bleak white side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then I wasback, I felt like the life had been sucked out of me. I lay on my back next toMindy on the jungle floor, the grass tickled my face and I lay there for asecond trying to process what was going on. "Okay how did I get back here" Iasked the air while pushing hair out of my eyes and sitting up. I realised that night had fallen and the stars wereout, it would be almost pitch black if there wasn't a camp fire a few feet awayputting a golden glow on the surrounding jungle. I pushed myself off the groundand my memory started returning from before I passed out. Ok so let me just goover the facts, weird door, Mark and Damien, man-spiders and this crazy dreamI'm not even going to start thinking about.I stared at Mindy her hair was a mess everywhere andyou could barely see her face, I snickered she looked a little like a frizzmonster, she looked a lot better than when she was coughing up blood. I pokedthe frizz monster's cheek "Mindy! Wakeup!" she wouldn't budge "ok well you asked for this" I put my hand behind herear and pushed my finger down on her presser point. Mindy jolted up, "I DONTHAVE IT!!" she screamed getting the attention of Mark and Damien. She must have had a weird dream too, I wonder if shesaw the shadow as well? Mindy rubbed her eyes "wow Cora I had the weirdestdream, this crazy shadow was their telling me stories about the past and thenhe got all mean and started telling me to give him something?" Damn she had it too; hers was different thoughit seemed worse than mine, more terrifying. Mark kneeled over to help Mindy up, he looked sicklyand tired. Damien reached for my hand, I let him take it. My limbs are so stiffI'm almost a statue. I groaned, I felt like the tin man before the oil. How'dthey know where we are and why didn't they try to help us instead of justwaiting for us to wake up? More questions to the list of things i will likelynever know."Well it took you long enough, what happened intheir?" asked Damien, Mindy shot him a confused look. "Uh I passedout...are you? Okay?" He knows somethingwhy won't they tell us anything? If I'm ever going to get out of here, theyneed to help me there is no way I could get back on my own. "Mark" i said flicking bugs off my cloths andstudying a strange looking one, it was completely gray with at least 20 legsand huge pinchers, i dropped it not wanting a bug bite right now, i was gettingready to fire off all my questions and anger at this guy as soon as he said thewrong thing "yeah what's up?" he said in the most casual tone. What's up?! Hehas got to be kidding. "Okay youneed to understand something if we are going to get along" I said walkingtoward him as he backed up further. "I expect the truth so you're going to tellme what's going on right now before I push you into that fire" I said on theverge of screaming. He stumbled onto the floor, i was sick of being left in thedark i wanted to know where i was and how i got here and i wanted to know now. "Look Cora, we're sorry you guys do have a right toknow everything" said Damien, it's like he read my thoughts."Don't be such a frightmare" grumbled Mark. "Okay then I gotabout a billion questions" i said brightly as i walked back over to the logsplaced beside the fire. "shoot" saidMark as he sat down around the fire beside Mindy. My head throbbed, rubbed my forehead my fingersbrushed the scar and i knew the first question or questions I was going to ask."Okay so what's up with the freaky healing, I mean Igot this huge cut up my leg and now I got nothing to show for it" I whined as ipulling up my shredded pant leg and running my hand over my skin where the scarshould have been. I tilted my head so the smoke wasn't hittingme in the face. Mark scrunched up his nose, oh just great he doesn'twant to tell me. Mindy taped on myshoulder her face still pale from the nightmare we both had but i didn't havetime to ask her what she needed. "Look Cora, this" Mark waved his hands aroundhis head "is probably the most complicated world ever and it more then you orMindy could take in all at once" he said not wavering his stare while his handsmoved around. "This! Idon't even know what this is because no one will tell me, hell Mark I don't thinkyou're getting it? I want to know what the heck is going on...please just tellme" i plead.If I can't get out of here I don't know what I'mgoing to do and if this "place" is so complicated then I have no chance once soever of making it to tomorrow night, especially if there are more of thoseman-spiders. Mark rubbed his hands overhis face, and i realize how quiet Damien has been since i woke up, he's saidabout one sentence then Nada. "Okay howabout this I'll just start with the basics" he said sitting up straighter. "Like?"I asked "Like where we are and what our plan isfor...getting you back" he looked at Mindy making her blush for some reason."Okay then out with it" I shot back forcing his attention back on me, he took adeep breath "Ionna is the name of this dimension" okay now he was just talkingcrazy. "Oh yeah! weare so in another dimension" i say rolling my eyes to look at all the starstwinkling above the jungle canapé "look I'm for real Cora, Ionna is where allthe creatures from every humans dreams on earth lives in till they go to sleepor die, it was created millions of years ago by the first dreams and the dreamqueen Ionna, she is the one who made this place. There is everything you couldever imagine in this place, i bet you could even find one of your dreams inhere" he said with a crooked grin, i wanted to punch it right off his face. Howcould he be joking right now?Mindy's eyes were as big as plates "really" shewhispered "yeah and..."he took a breath "and i think you should know everyonehere has powers, some are pretty cool and others...kind of lame and some can bereally dangerous, but that's not the point the point is since apparently you are connected to the dream-world youshould be developing powers too according to your personality" powers? I'mgoing to have powers? When am i going to get them? What if i can fly or liftcars and buildings? Wait! What am i thinking, this is so dumb, no way icould get powers since i don't see a science laboratory anywhere near here,therefore i can't get bitten by a radioactive spider or be exposed to gammaradiation. "Do we have any yet?" Mindy asked "probably not you've only been here for six hours"Damien said leaning on a tree for balance, so he's talking to her huh? "so whatabout your plan to get us back to Toronto?" Mindy asked "whoa back it up istill need to know more about... ilonna was it?" i say over Mindy, i might aswell go along with this, cause my moneys on the fact that this is a dream. "I'lljust ask you a question and then you answer, easy peasy Lemony Snicket" Mark raisedan eyebrow like "are you telling me what to do?""So about when me and Mindy ran into the jungle" istarted ignoring Marks stare."whoa! You ran into the jungle and pulled me intotheir right along with you i would have been safer had i stayed right here withMark and what's his face" Mindy says and i can't help it i laugh, Damien lookspissed for being called a what's his face "look, not right now Mindy, no onecares about you little crush on Mark till it gets out of hand and besides theadults are talking" as soon as the words come out i cringe, why did i say that?I know she's sensitive and i had to go and call her a child! Oh, now I've doneit. It's like it think it and it comes out. Mark seems a little surprised thati said that and Damien's just picking his nails. Mindy's eyes start to water and i mentally slapmyself a good ten times. I wait a moment for the tears but they don't fall so,i know she's going to think im a huge jerk, i keep going not wanting to wasteprobably the only time I'll get to ask questions "so we ran in and when we canout again we were back where we started or somewhere that just looked like itbut how did you know we were their?"i ask still watching Mindy, trying to catchher eye.Mark's face tightens for a moment as he thinksthings over, and i send Mindy a mental apology, it's always easier to saythings in your head then out loud like "i love you" or "i broke the window"things that regularly cross my mind. No one seems fazed by the hurtful commenti just said like it didn't even matter."In Ionna when you travel and you don't know exactlywhere you're going you end up exactly where you started" he said throwingleaves into the fire watching it flame different colors "but what if you don'tknow where you're going, how would you go anywhere?" asked Mindy i was going toask that too but my eyes stay on Damien, i watch him blow on his bangs sendingthe hair in different direction and landing funny every time. "well it depends if you know where you want to go justnot how to get their you just stay in one place, but in your case you won'thave to cause we know exactly where we are going" he said smiling proudly "butwhat if" i start to say but am cut off by Mark, oh so that's what it feels liketo have that happen to you. "i can explain more later it will be light soon, andilonna that's close but not right" Mark said as he put out the fire pulling us in toshadowy darkness. "Light? But night just fell like two hours ago" i askedboggled, he didn't answer neither did Damien and Mindy just sat on the log watchingMark collect his thing, which appeared out of nowhere. Mark stud up pulling his backpack over his shoulders"yeah like i said complicated world Cora" i caught a glimmer of light crossDamien's face who i just happen to be watching "i guess your right" i saidpulling myself up "so where we headed?" brushing my hand against a flower petala rainbow of pastel colors, two eyes poked out from the flower making me jump"well hello their" i said peering at it, it squinted at me it didn't lookdangerous just strange."We are headed to Darklight it's the heart of Ionnawhere all the dreams are prosiest" what are prosiest dreams? Mark headed intothe jungle with Mindy trailing after him like a puppy then me and Damien. A branchwacked me in the nose and i felt something warm drip down to my lips, oh yay!It's blood. Three minutes in and i get injured perfect, "Coraare you bleeding?" i looked over at Damien watching me from under his bangs,blue eyes locking onto mine. I look forward ignoring his question; Mark saideveryone had powers what about his and Damien's?"Oh and one more thing I forgot to tell you, wemight run into some dreamfolk here so if it does happen do not provoke them!" xt

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