Come back

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(Umm this chapter is kinda dramatic,well I hope it's not too dramatic...)

After this very exhausting night I could finally go home.When I entered my Apartment I was so happy but this happiness didn't stay for long..

I walked in my sisters room to check if she was asleep but she wasn't there.."HIMARI WHERE ARE YOU?"I yelled,my heart was pounding like a drum.(I hope it makes sense to compare a pounding heart with a drum)

I didn't get an answer,I started to panic.I ran around the Apartment but I couldn't find her,I walked in my window was crashed open."Did..did someone brake and sister?"I asked myself.I nervously typed in numbers to call the police,my hands were shaking.

The police told me to calm down and to sleep!AFTER MY SISTER GOT FUCKING KIDNAPPED.

I was sitting on my bed crying,suddenly my alarm went off.Great..I had a shift at the Café..

I walked in the bathroom and took a quick shower,my face was puffy and my eyes were really red from crying non-stop.

I was on my way to the Café,now and then some tears rolled down my cheek but over all I didn't cry.
I was standing behind the counter,today the Café was filled with many people.I felt like braking down any second but I had to keep on a happy face infront of every customer.

On my way home I started crying again,I felt so weak right now.When I was at home I took a shower again and brushed my teeth,after that I quickly did some homework and put on my school uniform.While doing this I had loads of cry brakes.

I was now on my way to school,I was listening to some songs while walking.Tears kept on streaming down my face,I kept on whipping them away but the crying never stopped.

My head was laying on my desk,I kept staring out the window,ignoring the teacher say my name.Suddenly I felt someone poke my head,I turned around,it was my teacher.She seemed to notice my red,sad eyes, "Hey Rin,would you maybe like to go fresh up in the bathroom or just go outside for a moment?"She asked,giving me a mother like smile.I slowly nodded and walked to the bathroom,I sat down on one of the toilets and started crying.I was so mad and sad at the same time,it frustrated me.After crying for a few minutes I splashed some ice cold water in my face,to calm me down again.I then walked out the bathroom and walked back to my class.

When it was lunch I went in an empty classroom and just started sleeping,what I didn't know was that a specific lazy vampire was looking at my sleeping figure the entire time.

I was awoken by the sound of my phone,I quickly grabbed my phone,it was the police..
I answered the call..

"WHAT?SHE CANT BE DEAD!GO DO SOMETHING!"I yelled,tears streaming down my face.I ended the call with the police and just started crying,I cried to the point where I felt dizzy and had an headache.

"Don't be so noisy."A calm voice commented,I turned around and saw Shu.He was sitting on the floor,looking at me."GO SOMEWHERE ELSE IF YOU THINK IM TOO NOISY!"I yelled,glaring at him.He sighed, "Come here."He demanded,I slowly walked over to him.He pulled me down by my arm,I landed on his lap(😏)."Shu I don't have a fucking Nerv for this shit.My sister is probably fucking dead and you tell me to fucking fall asleep on your lap."I hissed."Be quiet and sleep already."He replied,slinging his arms around my waist.I really hated and loved him at the moment..wait..did I just fucking say I loved him?

After taking a long nap on Shu's LAP,I finally woke up.That nap really calmed me down but I still felt like crying.Shu must have realized that I woke up,
"Everything will be okay Rin."Shu said,bringing my head back to his shoulder,I suddenly got a call.
"Hello?"I asked..

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