Forgive me

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Himari was laying on a hospital bed,her arms and legs were cut open and bruised."Im so sorry..I should've stayed with you.Please forgive me.."I mumbled,trying to hold my tears back."Mrs.Kimura I will have to ask you to leave now."The nurse stated,giving me a soft smile.I nodded,taking one last glance at the small figure laying on a hospital bed attached to many machines.(Im sorry if you dont call them machines..but I kinda forgot the name.)

I decided to grab some things that my small sister might want once she woke up,I got some simple necessities and some things she just..enjoyed?After grabbing some things for myself aswell I headed to the store and grabbed some of her favorite food since hospital food sucked.

I placed the duffle bag on the chair next to Himari's bed and placed her favorite stuffie right next to her.Since she was still asleep I decided to go on a small walk to calm down my nerves if that makes any sense.

I was sitting on a chair,that was right next to the hospital bed.Suddenly she opened both of her eyes,"Rin?"She quietly asked,blinking a few times."Yes,Himari?"I answered,trying to act as calm as possible but I was actually so nervous and relieved."Im happy your okay."She whispered,giving me a weak smile."Im so so sorry,I shoud've stayed with you..please forgive me."I pleaded,she nodded,"Its not your fault,dont worry about it!"She replied,closing her eyes again.

The doctors allowed me to stay with Himari,so I got the hospital bed next to her.I was about to fall asleep when suddenly my sister started crying and yelling around.She was asleep...suddenly a few nurses ran in the room,checking some things on diagrams and stuff.I just stared at the scene in shock," she okay?"I asked quietly,one of the nurse turned towards me."She will be just fine..she is probably dreaming about everything that has happened to her."She answered,smiling at me.

The room was so quiet,the only thing I could hear was my sister's breathing.I just couldn't sleep,the fact that this might happen again frustrated me.
Then I got an I idea,what if I brought Himari with me to School?I know this sounds crazy but maybe if I explain everything to the school they might allow it?

The next morning I wrote a long ass email to school,after that I got ready for work.Since Himari was still in the Hospital I could go to school and work.I took a quick shower and put on my work clothes for the Café.
I was standing behind the counter,Today was a very cold day.Many people walked in here and started coughing or sneezing,I mean I really loved winter but the many people that were sick kinda ruined the mood..

However,many people where here today,probably because of the delicious hot-chocolate
,coffee and tea!When everybody was sitting down and eating/drinking I decided to go on my phone and check out if I got some emails,or just social media.

My eyes widened when I got and email back from the school,the school allowed me to bring my small sister.It made me so happy that I wanted to do a little happy dance or something but there were to many people,it would've just been awkward..

After my Shift I walked back to the hospital and just showered,brushed my teeth and put on my school uniform.Himari was still asleep,her small figure was laying on the hospital bed..I kissed her forehead."Bye Himari."I quietly whispered,grabbing my bag and heading out the hospital.

On my way to school I realized I hadn't been in school for like 3 days..oh boy,that will probably be a lot of work.When I finally arrived at the huge school building I realized two Limo's were standing at the front of the school.Boys and girls were yelling
,screaming and some even crying..weird.I then saw the Sakamaki brothers walk out the Limo and in the other Limo the Mukami brothers walked out the Limo.They were glaring at each other and well..Yui just looked like she was gonna get murdered any second.But I guess Yui is just a scared,shy girl in general,plus she is living with vampires that probably suck out her blood everyday.

I was sitting in class,my English teacher glaring at me like every second."Mrs.Nakamura is everything okay?"I asked,giving her an confused look.She cleared her throat,"Rin,you missed school for 3 days.Do you know how much work you missed?"She answered,I shook my head."Since you weren't there you will have to work from pages 80-96 by tomorrow."She added,giving me an evil smile.I took a few breath to keep myself calm,"Of course."I answered,giving her a smile.

When it was finally lunch I decided to start my homework on the rooftop,when I entered the roof some weird dude started talking to himself.I didn't really care so I just sat down somewhere and started my work,"Eavesdropping is very rude."A voice stated,I looked up from my work,it was Laito."I wasn't listening to you,Laito.Not everybody cares about the things you say to yourself."I replied,rolling my eyes.

He suddenly grabbed me and pinned me against a wall,that was such a perverted Laito move."What the fuck are you doing?"I asked,he smirked."You should get punished for eavesdropping."He whispered in my ear,chills running down my spine."THATS ENOUGH!SOS I NEED HELP ANYBODY!SOME PERVERT IS ABOUT TO SUCK MY BLOOD!"I yelled,hoping someone would hear me..but nobody did.

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