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It was now the second day after starting the project and I hope that my partner is here today.
The slight chance from him not being here has me roughly stuffing my things into my bag.

I have a messenger bag. I love it. It hangs off my shoulder, so I can pretend that it's a purse without actually having one and getting stared at.

But on a a brighter note–quite literally–; I'm wearing an outfit that looks cute in my opinion.

But on a a brighter note–quite literally–; I'm wearing an outfit that looks cute in my opinion

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I read somewhere that if you wear brighter colors, that it'll help improve your mood!

I always wear bright colors and it does nothing for me.

Probably because I have a constant Negative Nancy around me 24/7, but that's my own doing. Well, not entirely but still.

The sweater was a gift from my mama. That's what makes it more special and fun to have on. She knows about my sexuality and she's okay with it.

I'm so glad to have her as a mother! I love her so much!

Smiling like an idiot I didn't hear my phone ding with a text from Michael.

Asshole Jerk: Meet me in the Music room

I didn't even open the Messages app to fully view his message. I rolled my eyes and slightly dreaded for what that meeting meant.

My good mood was killed because of that jerk. God, what do I see in him?!

I know I asked but I already knew the answer.

So did he. And he'll use it against me

every chance he'll get.

"I've never seen someone's mood match the weather." Huh? I blinked then turned away from gazing out the window to look at the source of the voice. The owner was a messy curly haired guy, with soft brows and brown chocolate puppy-like eyes.

He was cute with an elegant air to him that oozed knowledge, as if saying 'I know that I'm smart and can single-handedly destroy your whole career, while educating you at the same time' but I'm not an arrogant fool.

People like that scare me. Mainly because I know I don't want to be at receiving end of it all.

"Staring is not polite if the person you're staring at knows." Uh.. "I'm sorry?" "You look sad." He finally glanced over at me. Wait, when did he sit by me?!

"Want about it?" He asked hesitantly and rather awkwardly. "What, I'm just supposed to tell all my problems to you, a stranger?" I huffed.

"You clearly don't really want to know." I rolled my eyes again and went back to gazing sadly out the bus window.
"I don't." He stated after a few moments of silence.

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