📜Marauders Era Script📜

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Hey guys! I just want to share my script for Hogwarts (Marauders Version!) to help give you guys some ideas! Comment some things you think I should add or if you have any questions! I have a pretty short script because I don't want to be too specific and just let things play out! No need to vote on this but please comment some questions or ideas you guys have and please don't judge!

Here it is

                                                                                 💕About Me💕

Name: Ariella June Lupin

Nickname: Whatever People Create

Age: 15

Birthday: June 17th, 1960

Gender: Female

Weight: 130 Pounds

Height: 5'7

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Hair Color: Dark Brown Looks Black

Body Type: Like CR but Flatter Stomach

Skin Color: Brown

Ethnicity: African American

Pets: A Cat and Owl

Wand: Chestnut wood with a Phoenix core 13" and a Hard flexibility

Patronus: Snow Leopard

Home: Lupin Household

Style: Unlimited Clothing so Whatever

School: Hogwarts

Lips: Full but not Big

Eyelashes: Curled and Dark

Sexuality: No Label

Personality: Like CR but Quirks from DR

Hygiene: Perfect

Background Story: I am a half-blood, my biological mother died of sickness, and she was a pureblood who dated a Muggle who left me at the Orphanage.


Parents: Hope and Lyall Lupin

Sibling(s): Remus Lupin

Friends: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, James Potter, Lily Evans, and Peter Pettigrew. Marlene McKinnon, Mary Macdonald, Frank Longbottom Dorcas Meadows, and Alice Fortescue.

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A Currently

                                                                     🖊Things in my DR🖊

This script correlates with the Harry Potter book series but makes major changes

When I shift Remus will be waking me up and we will be going to Hogwarts.

When I shift, I will be in my DR bedroom.

When I shift the date will be, September 1st, 1975.

I always smell good

I have a pet kitten named Fry and a pet owl named Butter.

I get memories of my previous years when I shift.

I am in Ravenclaw, but I still hang out with the Gryffindor's and Slytherins

House prejudice is basically nonexistent

I know how to write with a quill, and I have nice handwriting.

I have a high pain tolerance.

Nobody can read my mind and I can tell if someone is trying along with who it is.

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