📜Phantom Troupe Script📜

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                                                                                    💕About Me💕

Name: Kenji

Nickname: Whatever People Create

Age: 12

Birthday: January 7th, 1986

Gender: Female

Weight: 95 Pounds

Height: 5'2 1/2

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Redish-Purple

Body Type: Like CR but Flatter Stomach and more muscles but still lithe

Skin Color: Brown

Ethnicity: African American

Home: With the Phantom Troupe

Style: Unlimited Clothing so Whatever

School: N/A

Lips: Full but not Big

Eyelashes: Curled and Dark

Sexuality: No Label

Personality: ESTP-A, A little insane but really happy and fun but very judgmental

Hygiene: Perfect

Background Story: When I was 5 my father died, and my mother abandoned me in Meteor City where the Phantom Troupe found me and because of a coin flip they decided to keep and raise me and I grew up with them


Parents: Technically N/A

Siblings: Technically N/A

Friends: Katsu and Annya

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A Currently

Family: Chrollo, Machi, Pakunoda, Shizuku, Hisoka, Feitan, Uvogin, Shalnark, Nobunaga, Phinks, Kortopi, and eventually Kalluto when he joins

                                                                         🖊Things in my DR🖊

This script correlates with Hunter x Hunter 2011 Version

My name is Kenji, meaning intelligent ruler.

I grow up with the Phantom Troupe.

I end up just as strong as the Phantom Troupe, perhaps stronger than some of them.

The Phantom Troupe does NOT kill the Kurta clan since they didn't want me getting hurt.

Kurapika acts the same but has no need for revenge.

The Phantom Troupe adores me as they would their own child/sibling.

The Phantom Troupe doesn't kill people if it isn't necessary, but do still steal and are really dangerous, powerful, and feared.

The Troupe doesn't meet some years, they have a lot of base/home locations, and the main ones live in those bases or near it.

The people who live in the base or near it are, Chrollo, Machi, Pakunoda, Shizuku, Hisoka, Feitan, Uvogin, Shalnark, Nobunaga, Phinks, Kortopi, and eventually Kalluto when he joins.

I grow up loved if not a little crazy.

I've been learning nen since I was 8.

The Troupe found me when I was 5.

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