📜Saiki K. Script📜

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                                                                                    💕About Me💕

Name: Kairi Mori

Nickname: Whatever People Create

Age: 16

Birthday: May 7th, 1997

Gender: Female

Weight: 124 Pounds

Height: 5'4 1/4

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Light Blue

Body Type: Like CR but Flatter Stomach and more muscles but still lithe

Skin Color: Brown

Ethnicity: African American

Home: With Family

Style: Unlimited Clothing so Whatever

School: PK Academy

Lips: Full but not Big

Eyelashes: Curled and Dark

Sexuality: No Label

Hygiene: Perfect

Background Story: I met Kusuo around the same time he met Nendou and he was interested because he couldn't read my mind but knew I wasn't dumb and the rest is history


Parents: Idk doesn't really matter

Siblings: a baby sister

Friends: The MC's of the show/the people who hung around Saiki

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Kusuo Saiki

                                                                       🖊Things in my DR🖊

This script correlates with the Saiki K. anime

Kaido and Aren end up together

I have physic abilities

Teruhashi is jealous of Saiki and mine's relationship but she really is sweet

I have beauty on par with Teruhashi but it's much more quiet

The characters look the exact same as they do in the show from my CR, and they sound the same

The DR is dubbed, we all speak English/ it's how it is when I watched the show.

I speak fluent Japanese and I understand it too and I can write it and can read it.

I have the same accent as the characters, and it sounds natural to me.

When I shift, I am awoken by my little sister

When I shift, I am in my bedroom.

When I shift, the date is October 2nd, 2013

Nobody feels like a 3rd wheel.

The world will change accordingly for me being there

There is no racism, prejudice, or anything of that sort.

I have high stamina

Nobody doesn't know that i reality shifted.

I have great grades

I have a great guardian spirt

Saiki knows I have physic powers and vise versa

                                                         📷Images of Things in my DR📷

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