Chapter 2

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A small company vehicle with the advertisement for "Miller's Male Maid Service" imprinted on the side doors drives into the driveway of 25592 Sunny Hill Cul-de-Sac. The driver, Benjamin Swift, checks the information the company provided to double check the address. He was supposed to service the house of one Mrs. Johnson for an hour or two. The usual affair, wipe the floors, dust the shelves, launder the clothes, and whatever else the client demanded.

Though he had been working at the service for about a year and a half, he was not thrilled about the prospect of working there going forward. The hours are few and far between and his cut of the $100 fee was not worth the hour, and often more, of labor.

With the information confirmed and his supplies gathered, he exits the car and walks his way to the front door and rings the doorbell.

"Another year of college, another year of college, another year of college..." Benjamin muttered under his breath as he waited for the homeowner to answer.

The sounds of various deadbolt locks slid open, and the main door opened to the home of a daytime bathrobed Mrs. Carol Johnson.

"Oh, you must be Benjamin! Come on in, I've been expecting you."

He stepped through the threshold and gently laid down his cleaning implements as he greeted his new client.

"Thank you for choosing Miller's Male Maid Service! Where we clean everything but your dirty mind!" He recited while playfully brushing the tip of his feather duster against the face of Mrs. Johnson as per company policy.

"Well, aren't you a flirty one!' Mrs. Johnson responded, 'I never knew the uniform they provided would be so...minimal...."

The standard uniform was little more than a pair of royal blue boxer briefs with the company logo pressed into the backside. They were made a size smaller than would normally be warn by men of the shapes and sizes the service hired.

The "uniform" fit snuggly against Benjamin's young and fit body. Maids were required to shave their chests and stomachs to help accent their muscular frames the service selected for. They had a brand and image to uphold, and they were extremely strict as to the requirements not just for future but current maids.

"Would you like me to start with the laundry?" Benjamin inquired.

Bringing herself back to reality, Mrs. Johnson showed him to her room and were she and her husband kept their "dirty" clothes and where the washing machine could be located.

As Benjamin bent down to pick up the full to bursting laundry hamper, Mrs. Johnson peered over to catch a glimpse at Benjamin's perfectly toned ass. The short and tight uniform left little to her imagination. So compact, yet muscular. It has been years since she had felt such a reaction from her long-time husband. Lovely as he was, the spark and sense of longing had given way to routine and complacency. Without thinking she brought her fingers to her lips and traced the outline of a lustful grin. She had to bite down on herself to keep the thoughts from permeating through her mind.

She had to put some distance between herself and the tantalizing young man that she could order around at her whim.

"I'm going down to the kitchen. I can trust that you can dust the upstairs by yourself without my supervision?"

"Yes ma'am!" He said at attention.

She had not expected her reaction to be so strong and immediate. She had been around younger and attractive men before but the thought that she could order him to do anything was intoxicating to her. She had always been on equal footing with her husband. Both were once successful lawyers at the same law firm, but she never had the kind of power to order around someone beneath her.

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