Chapter 4

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The highly anticipated second episode of "Love Gauntlet" was about to begin. As tradition follows, the housewives of Sunny Hill Cul-de-Sac made their way to the home of Carol Johnson for the watch party. The other two housewives met in her driveway and walked together to the door.

"Good evening Evelyn, excited for tonight's episode?" Anna Davis asked her fellow diehard.

"Evening and hell yeah! I saw the little teaser video they posted yesterday, and I can't wait to see what crazy shit they do this week!" Evelyn responded.

"Ugh I must have missed that! I was so busy with work it must have just slipped my mind. Oh, by the way, did you hear anything from Carol about the maid service that she had this week? I've asked her a lot this week, but she's been very cagy about it. Think something happened?"

"Beats me. I haven't heard anything from her either. I knew it was too good to be true. She probably got scammed and some random guy off the street showed up to her house."

"Yeah, now that you mentioned it, it did seem too good to be true."

She rings the doorbell and the two are immediately welcomed in by Carol.

"Ready ladies?" she answered with a smile.

The two made their way to the kitchen and set down their snacks and refreshments. Evelyn made a B line to the wine glasses.

"Hold on Evelyn! I have something special planned for those. You'll have to wait a bit until the fun starts." Carol beckoned.

Evelyn sticks her tongue out and places the glasses back in the cabinet.

Anna pipes up. "Hey Carol, what's going on? You haven't been the same since Tuesday. Did something happen with that maid service? I've been worried about you."

"Yeah, what gives?' Evelyn inquired 'I've been dying to know the details this whole week! Spill girl spill!"

"Okay, if you must was good. A very nice young man came to my door, and he cleaned the bedroom, the kitchen, and the living room. I was so impressed with him that I may consider making it a regular thing. When my husband's at work of course."

"That good huh?' Evelyn said bored at the mundane way it was explained to her. 'I was expecting something more interesting or... anything for that matter."

"Oh, that's reassuring! I thought something bad happened and you didn't want to tell us about it." Anna sighed in relief.

"Now remember girls, its's our little secret!"

The trio giggled at the thought of hiding things from their husbands.

With the show about to start they all take their places in the home theater setup. All accept Carol.

"Hold on, I need to get something first. You don't have to pause it for me, this won't be long." She assured her guests.

"Is it wine?" Evelyn said expectantly.

Paying her no heed, she walked up the stairs towards her bedroom. Gives a soft knock on the door and asks. "Benjamin, are you ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready now."

She turns the handle and opens the door to find him still in his maid uniform looking oddly determined for someone who was red in the face not too long ago.

"Good to see you took my advice with the stockings. Follow me. Wait at the foot of the stairs until I give you my cue."

Obediently, he follows Mrs. Johnson down the stairs and waits.

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