Chapter 3

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The agreed upon terms were that Benjamin would serve at the pleasure of Mrs. Johnson during her weekly "Love Gauntlet" party with the other housewives. He would be paid a total of $3000 total for one night of work. Half up front and half upon the conclusion of the evening plus additional payment for any exceptional service.

Though pleased with the terms of payment, Benjamin's mind raced with what she would have him do for her, or to her, for the rest of his week. Would she put him on a leash and parade him around for her friends to gawk and jeer at? Would he have to be her footstool for the entirety of the party? Or worse? But the prospect of a large windfall made his anxieties dissipate whenever he came close to calling off the arrangement.

That Saturday evening, he was required to show up in his personal car and park a block away as not to tip off the other housewives two hours before the latest episode of "Love Gauntlet" and the accompanying watch party.

As he was welcomed back into the home of Mrs. Johnson, she teased him about not reciting the slogan of the Maid Service as he entered. She was a little too lively for Benjamin's liking and was dreading the anticipation of the evening.

"I'm glad you decided to take me up on my offer' Mrs. Johnson said with a smirk 'please, come with me upstairs. I have a special surprise for you."

Oh shit, she's going to try and seduce me again. I really am nothing more than a prostitute to her. Benjamin thought to himself as he followed her to her bedroom

"Wait here, let me get it for you."

He stood there frozen and awaited for her to return.

She returned with a new full set of clothes still on the hanger and the price stickers clearly visible from the small gap between the two. It was a full maid's uniform!

"Y-you want me to wear that!?

"Oh yes!' She smirked. 'A proper maid should have a proper uniform! I estimated your size so hopefully it fits. Though it being a little on the small side won't hurt either. The best part is, my husband thinks it's for me!"

This woman is insane! There's no way in hell I'm going to wear that! Even if it fits! No amount of money is worth this humiliation! Benjamin's thoughts raced.

"Put it on." She commanded.

"No! This is too far! I'm leaving!" Benjamin said and turned around to make is escape.

"Then I guess I withdrew all this money for no reason" Mrs. Johnson pouted half-heartedly.

She walks over to the small dresser and picks up a large crisp stack of dollar bills and softly smacks the dresser with it in an attempt to catch his attention.

The sound of money quickly reached Benjamin's ear and he turned back around.

"$100, $200, $300..." She counted aloud.

Drawn to the siren's call of cold hard cash, Benjamin picks up the maid's uniform.

"I knew you'd see it my way. Now strip!"

His face now red, Benjamin quickly discards his t-shirt and throws it across the room.

"No. no. no....I want to see you put on a show! Smile! I'm helping you out you know?"

He managed to force a small grin and faced her while she watched eagerly from the foot of her bed. He slowly and deliberately tugs on the end of his belt and unbuckles it. Then grabbing one end and slowly glides it through the pant loops with a satisfying woosh.

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