Chapter 5

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Benjamin ran up the stairs, nearly tripping once he reached the top floor, his eyes watering, head pounding, he had to get out of this thing. He never should have taken this job. The allure of money was not worth what he was put through. Being groped against his will, forced to serve her equally cruel friends, and ridiculed beyond anything he had ever experienced in his life.

As he reached the master bedroom, he frantically shed the source of his embarrassment. Leaving it in a tattered heap on the floor.

Desperate for any sort of comfort and relief, he ran to the bathroom and locked the door. His body felt heavy, and tense and he was beginning to lose his sense of self. Reflexively, he turned on the shower, the hot water would bring him back to reality and help wash away the shame. He actively avoided looking at himself in the vanity mirror. Nothing good could be gained from seeing himself in his sorry state.

The water had not quite reached his preferred temperature, but he got in anyway. He dowsed his face in the water, the shock of water hitting his face helped slap him back to the present. As if reliving everything that happened to him all at once, he slowly sat down at the base of the shower in a fetal position and began to cry.

There was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Benjamin...are you in there? Are you okay?"

No answer.

"I'm sorry things got so out of hand. I didn't expect them to do the things they did to you."

"GO AWAY!' he screamed 'I don't want to talk to you!"

"And Benjamin...I'm sorry too.... I never should have touched you without your consent the day we met." Mrs. Johnson said remorsefully.

"You don't really mean that! You enjoyed toying with me just as much as those two did. You're no better!"

"You're right. I'm no better. The power and control I had over you went to my head, and I couldn't control myself. I knew what I was doing was wrong but did it anyway. I'm not asking you to forgive me. I just want to make sure you're okay."

He lifted his head out from between his chest. "I'm okay, I just need to be alone right now."

Now considering his wellbeing, Mrs. Johnson sat down on the floor right outside the bathroom door and waited for him.

Silence followed until Mrs. Johnson heard the water shut off. She retrieved his clothes that she had folded earlier and told him they were at the foot of the door and waited outside her bedroom.

Benjamin could not have put them on any faster. Glad to finally feel like himself again.

"Okay, I'm decent!" He shouted beyond the door.

"Coming in!"

"How are you feeling?" Mrs. Johnson asked concerned.

"I'm just happy to be out of that thing" He said not acknowledging the heap in the corner of the room.

"I'm sorry about that too. That was too much. Here!' She handed him a large pile of dollar bills. 'It's the other half of what I owe you plus extra for all the horrible things I've done. I know its not enough but it's the best I can do."

Flipping through there had to be an extra $400 than what they had originally agreed upon.

"Thank you, Ma'am." Benjamin said sheepishly.

"I understand if you never want to see or hear from me again, but you did such a nice job with my house, it will be a shame to lose you."

Looking at the sincere remorse on Mrs. Johnson's face and in her words, Benjamin could not help but pity her a little. He could never forgive her, but he pitied her none the less.

"I don't mind cleaning your house. Just not in that thing or as a part of The Service."

"Do you mean it?" Mrs. Johnson said incredulously.

"For the time being. I reserve the right to leave at any moment and will wear what I want to wear. Any funny business and I'm out! You can pay me the same rate as if I was part of The Service."

Mrs. Johnson extended her arm. "It's a deal!"

He took her hand and shook it firmly.

As he walked down the stairs and out the door Mrs. Johnson called back to him.

"You know, you are invited to our weekly watch parties. This time I'll have those two obey you for a change."

Chuckling to himself as he opened the door. "I'll think about it." 

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