Chapter 5 - The Plan part 2

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Dan's P.O.V

Tanya was checking my bruises when my mobile phone rang. I looked at the caller I.D and it was Phil's phone ringing me. My heart leapt and I felt hopeful that Phil had escaped.

        "It's Phil!" I shout.

        "Go on then, answer it." Jim said excitedly.

I sat down and answred the phone.

        "Hello?" I say quietly, "Phil?"

        "This is Phil's capturer." An unfamiliar voice says down the phone.

        "What have you done to Phil!" I shout, starting to panic.

        "He's here, do you want to speak to him?" He says

        "Of course I do!"

        "If Phil tells you anything about where he is he will die." He says, passing the phone to Phil.

        "Dan? Is it actually you?" Phil said down the phone.

        "Phil! I thought you were dead!" I said starting to cry.

        "I thought you were dead too!" Phil said, he sounded like he was crying too.

        "I love you Phil!" I sobbed.

        "I love you too Dan"

There was the sound of the phone being ripped out of Phil's hand and his capturer was back on the phone.

        "Happy now?" He said sarcasticly.

        "Yes, thank you," I said defensively " What are you going to do with Phil?"

        "You have 2 days from midnight to come and get him," He said slowly. "The longer you take, the worse it will get for Phil."

        "You can't just tell me that!" I exclaimed "At least give me some clues"

       "Fine.... You will get three clues. When you complete or go to where the clues tells you, phone Phil, and I will give you the next clue."

        "Okay," I say nervously "What is the first clue?"

        "It leads to a place"

        "Okay! Give me the clue!" I say quickly.

        " Please rise and clap him" He says slowly and clearly. Then he hangs up the phone.

I put my phone on the table and put my head in my hands. What does he mean, 'Please rise and clap him'?

        "What did he say?" Jim asks gently.

                " He said that I have 2 days from midnight to come and find Phil. I have 3 clues and I will get each one as I complete them ."

        "What was the first clue?" Tanya asks.

        "He said 'Please rise and clap him' What could that mean?" I say desperatley

        "Well lets sleep on it," Tanya says.

        "No buts!" She says firmly. "Do you want to be tired when you are looking for Phil?"

        I sigh. "No, but I can't sleep without knowing if Phil is alright."

In the end they have to give me a sleeping pill so I actually get some sleep. My last thought is of Phil                                  

Phil's P.O.V

After the phone call he shoved me back down the stairs, just before the door closes he says "Better get some sleep you've got a big day tomorrow"

I settle down for the night in a corner on the old blanket. It takes me a long time to get to sleep. My last thought is of Dan.

A.N I don't know what to call Phil's capturor. :( Maybe you could tell me in the comments?


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