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Title: Cyber Love (temporary name)
Part: 5; Surprise!
Pairing: Harry/Louis + Liam/Zayn
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: swearing; major fluff (if I do this right); homosexuality; mentions of gay sex
Disclaimer: This is unfortunately untrue.
A/N: Sorry for the wait, guys :)
Summary: When Harry's best friend convinces him to sign up for a dating website, Harry feels as desperate as he can get. But when he meets someone, he starts wondering if maybe the dating website wasn't such a bad idea after all ...

Harry was nervous. No, nervous was an understatement. He was absolutely terrified. He was going to meet Louis today, for the first time ever. And he wasn't sure what was going to happen. Would Louis like him? Would he hate him? Would he realize that this was a terrible idea?

Harry hadn't been in a proper relationship in so long. And now that he'd found someone who could be a potential partner, he was scared that it might not work out. He knew that thinking like this would get him absolutely nowhere, but he couldn't help it. He was nervous, and when he was nervous, he started thinking the worst.

Shaking his head from these thoughts, he repeated what Liam had said to him before he left. Everything will be fine. Louis will love you. Just take a chance, and just ring that fucking doorbell.

So, he did what Liam told him to, and rang the doorbell. He was at Louis' apartment, in front of the door that was supposedly Louis'. He waited for a couple of minutes, heart racing. As each second passed, he started getting more and more panicked. What if he'd copied down the wrong address? What if Louis was sleeping?

Before he could overthink the situation and run away, the door swung open. Except ... It wasn't Louis. Unless Louis had black hair and lots of tattoos, which Harry was certain that he didn't. 

The boy looked like he'd been sleeping, judging from the way he rubbed his eyes, and how his hair was an absolute mess. Harry fought the urge to fix it, and instead said: "I think I'm at the wrong flat ... Do you know where Louis Tomlinson's flat is?"

 The boy was still half asleep, but his eyes lit up in recognition. "Sure. He's right across from me, 519. A lot of people get confused since there's no number on mine. Say, are you the guy he met on the internet? Harry, right? He won't shut up about you."

Harry blushed, muttering a quick "thank you" as the boy closed the door, no doubt eager to fall back asleep. Harry stared at the now-closed door for a couple more seconds, trying to find his courage. Then, in an act of what he thought was recklessness, he swiftly turned around and rang the doorbell to Louis' flat. 

He waited for a while, his blood pumping in his ears and his heartbeat racing, and then someone  opened the door. 


Harry slowly raised his head to look at whoever was there--hopefully, it was Louis, this time. It was him. And he was everything Harry had imagined he would be, and more. He had bags under his eyes, as if he was sleep-deprived, but Harry knew that he always had bags under his eyes after eleven o'clock. 

He just. He looked perfect. He looked wonderful. In fact, no word in the dictionary could describe how he looked. He was just amazing. When Harry realized he was staring, he quickly focused on Louis' face to notice that he was staring as well. Of course he was, this was the first time that they'd seen each other in person. Harry took in a shuddering breath, looking into those blue eyes that he'd come to yearn over the past couple of weeks.

"Hi," He said, barely more than a whisper. Anything louder felt like it would ruin the moment.

"Hey." Louis replied, and it made Harry's head spin because God, his voice was much better in person than it was on the phone.

One minute they were staring at each other, green meeting blue, and the next minute he was  dropping his bag and enveloping Louis in a hug because he just wanted to know what it would be like to touch him. He wondered if it was like he'd imagined, but soon found out that it was much better. 

Harry really liked Louis. He liked him a lot more than he'd previously thought, which was quite impressive. Louis immediately melted in his arms, sighing contendly, and Harry thought he'd never heard anything more perfect. The two of them just fit together, Harry realized, as Louis buried his face in Harry's neck.

When they finally pulled apart from the hug that was long overdue, they both stood in front of each other with small, shy smiles on their faces. They were still standing a little too close to be considered normal, but neither bothered to acknowledge that.

"Wow. This is, uh. Really something."

Harry laughed nervously, glad he wasn't the only one. "Yeah."

"Wanna come inside? Let's have some tea. Weren't you supposed to come here tomorrow afternoon?"

"I was finished packing early, thought I might give you a surprise." He winked at Louis, momentarily scared that maybe winking was taking it too far. But then he saw Louis' light blush, and had to fight back a grin.

Louis led him to the kitchen, which was small and homey, much like the rest of his flat. Harry decided that he quite liked it. It was like his flat back in Chesire, and at the same time, it was different. He didn't know if that was possible, but it didn't really matter because he was finally here with Louis and he seemed to like Harry as much as Harry liked him.

This was the best day of his life.

He sat down while Louis prepared some tea, content with staring at his back. Louis had a delicious ass, one that he would love touch. He was so mesmerized in it that he didn't notice that Louis was talking. Mentally scolding himself, he decided that maybe listening was a good idea.

"I just can't believe you're here. I mean, I know I asked you to come and all, but I feel like you were always like some sort of ... fantasy? And we never Skyped, so I had no way of knowing if you ever existed or were just some prank that my best mate put on me. And now that you're here, it feels really fucking unreal. Just. Wow. It's a lot to wrap my head around."

Harry couldn't help but stare at Louis. The way he moved his lips and how a blush started creeping up his cheeks and how his eyes started darting around was just. It was mesmerizing. Harry didn't know what to say to that, so he didn't say anything. He simply smiled at Louis, grabbed the mug of tea that Louis offered him, and started sipping his tea in silence.

And that was how they stayed for a while. Words weren't needed; they simply enjoyed each other's presence while drinking tea--which Harry must admit, was delicious.


"So where will I be sleeping for the night, Louis?"

"I've got a spare room, I s'pose you can sleep there if you want. Or the couch, whatever suits you. The room's to the right, and the bathroom's right beside it, if you want to freshen up."


Harry went to his spare room with his bag, closing the door and stepping out of his clothes. He never liked sleeping with clothes on, and he usually slept naked, but decided to keep his boxers on this time, for Louis' sake. When he walked out of his room, he went to the living room to find Louis sitting on the sofa watching tv. When Louis noticed him, his mouth hung open and it looked like was trying very hard not to stare at Harry's chest. 

Harry smirked. "Hey Lou, I'm a bit tired so I'm going to call it a night, yeah? We'll talk tomorrow. And don't forget the tour you promised me!"

Before Louis could reply, Harry swooped in and kissed Louis' cheek, quickly walking out and back into his room. As soon as he was inside and his door was shut, he took in a shuddering breath, wondering where his newfound bravery had come from.

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