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Title: Cyber Love (temporary name)

Part: 8; Bliss

Pairing: Harry/Louis + Liam/Zayn 

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: swearing; major fluff (if I do this right); homosexuality; mentions of gay sex

Disclaimer: This is unfortunately untrue.


Summary: When Harry's best friend convinces him to sign up for a dating website, Harry feels as desperate as he can get. But when he meets someone, he starts wondering if maybe the dating website wasn't such a bad idea after all ...

Their first date was pretty much everything Harry had hoped his first date would go like. Louis was sweet and waited for him outside his door while he got ready, and then he held his hand as they walked out the door, ignoring Zayn and his teasing comments from the door. 

Louis had then told Harry that they weren't going to be taking the car, they were going to be walking and enjoying London's beautiful view. Harry didn't mind; it was more time spent with Louis. He really really really liked Louis and he liked to think that so far, things were going great. Their first date was amazing; they went for a movie, then decided to go for a walk in the park, where Louis shyly nudged his hand so it was touching Harry's, and Harry tried not to blush as he grasped it in his own. 

Okay, Harry had had his fair share of relationships and back then, holding hands was just a thing. It was something that they did to simply to follow what other people were doing. It was for show, really. He didn't feel anything when their hands touched; after all, it was just a hand

But when he held hands with Louis, it was as if that one touch was keeping him grounded, preventing him from soaring too high and getting lost in the clouds. It was as if their hands were electrified and the electricity was coursing through his veins and travelling to his heart, which, in response, started beating faster. He wasn't sure, but judging  from the pleased smile on Louis' face, he felt the same.

They chatted about pretty much everything. Harry told Louis about how he'd discovered the dating website--Liam finding the porn on his computer, and forcing him to join. Louis had a good laugh about that, although Harry didn't think it was nearly as funny. But he liked Louis' laugh and he wouldn't mind hearing it again and again, even if it was at his expense. He especially liked making him laugh. 

He prided in the beautiful smile that would take over Louis' features, his eyes crinkling and his mouth curving beautifully, knowing that he was the one who did that. Not someone else; him. 

In short, he really liked Louis. And maybe this would develop into something much more serious. Maybe it wouldn't. He didn't know, but he didn't really care because he was living this moment right now, right here and he didn't want to ruin it with thoughts of the future. He just wanted to spend time with Louis. 

When their date was finished, Louis guided them home and escorted Harry to his room, where he shyly went up on his tip toes and gave Harry a peck on the lips--it was chaste, but sweet. Exactly what a first kiss should be. 

Harry, of course, was greedy. He'd been wanting to do this for such a long time and he wasn't going to waste an opportunity. He grabbed Louis by the waist when he was pulling away, turning them around and pressing Louis to the wall. He ravished Louis, drawing out small gasps and whimpers from that pretty little mouth of his with his tongue.

When he was finished, he was satisfied with the look on Louis' face; all flustered and messy, with love bites on his neck and swollen lips. A surge of possessiveness came up in him, and he smiled smugly because now everyone knew that Louis was taken.

"Little fucker," Louis muttered with a pleased smile on his face. "Now everyone's going to see"

Harry smirked at him, all slow and cocky. "Exactly, babe. Now go on, go to sleep. I'll be leaving soon and I want to wake up early tomorrow so we can spend some time together."


And in the middle of the night, if Harry woke up to the sound of shuffling only to find Louis beside him, he didn't mention it and only tightened his arms around him. And if Louis woke up to see that Harry had a small smile on his face, he didn't comment on it, only snuggling closer to him and closing his eyes and willing himself to fall asleep, where he knew dreams of a certain curly-haired boy would be awaiting him.


When Louis woke up, he was disappointed to find that Harry wasn't beside him. He got out of bed, shivering a little, and quickly put on some sweatpants, not bothering with a shirt. He walked outside and wondered if Harry was watching the telly in the living room, but he wasn't there. 

With the hazy feeling of morning still in him, Louis was confused and wondered where Harry was. It hadn't all been a dream, had it? Because that would thoroughly disappoint him. 

But then there were arms being wrapped around him and Louis jumped, surprised. He smiled when he felt lips gently kissing his neck, and he hummed under his breath with a content smile on his face.

He could get used to this, he thought as he led Harry to the kitchen and sat down while Harry made pancakes on the stove. Sitting here, watching Harry make him food while twirling around to a song that wasn't playing ... yeah, he could really get used to this. 


After they ate breakfast, Louis accidentally let Zayn know that they had plans for the day; sitting on couch and cuddling while watching crappy tv shows, and Zayn invites himself inside, wedging himself between the two and wrapping arm around each of their shoulder, which had both Harry and Louis grumbling but trying to hide their amused smile.

They spent a good amount of time; you'd be surprised at how entertaining shows got once you were watching it with people you liked. 


"Hey Li, how ya been?"

"I've been getting along fine without you, Harry. You know, not worrying at all that you fucking died during the trip since you didn't bother to call me and you wouldn't answer my calls or texts. Yeah, I've been fucking fantastic."

Harry giggled, looking beside him at Louis, who was watching him with a fond smile on his face. "Yeah, sorry about that. Got a little caught up here, y'know."

"Speaking of, how's Louis?"

Harry turned around then, walking away from Louis because he didn't want Louis to hear him squeal about everything that had been happening "Oh, he's wonderful, Liam. So so wonderful. A little too unsure for my liking, but I'm sure I'll get him to break out of his shell. God, he's so adorably awkward. I had to ask him to ask me out, and he got so flustered. It was beyond cute."

He could hear Liam smiling through the phone. "Well, I'm glad you two are getting along, Harry. Really, you deserve it. And it sounds like he's been treating you well. Now, I don't want you to go along with it just because you're desperate, Harry. Make sure he's a nice boy that treats you right. We don't want a repeat of last time."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll watch myself. Besides, he really treats me well. Makes me feel on top of the world, and really, what else can I ask for?"

"I just want you to be happy, Harry. You know that. Just ... don't jump into things, okay? I know how impulsive you are."

"Okay, Liam. Jeez. Now, are you satisfied? Can I spend some time with Boo now?"

Liam laughed, "yes, go on. Don't want to keep loverboy waiting, do we?"


And it was easy to forget, in this nice little box they'd made themselves, that Harry didn't actually live here and that he had to go home soon, he had to go back to his job and his flat and his life back in Chesire.

But neither boy paid attention to those details that night, as Louis slowly rocked into Harry, who was writhing and gasping underneath him. And afterwards, when Louis allowed Harry's sweaty body to cuddle up to him, he thought wow, I really love this boy, don't I?

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