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Title: Cyber Love (temporary name)
Part: 9; Departure
Pairing: Harry/Louis + Liam/Zayn 
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: swearing; major fluff (if I do this right); homosexuality; mentions of gay sex
Disclaimer: This is unfortunately untrue.
A/N (PLEASE READ THIS OKAY): i'm rly rly sorry for the lack of updates i rly have no excuse, i just kinda forgot about the story. anyways, this is the last chapter of the story, after this there's only an epilogue left :) i'll save the sappy thank you's for the epilogue! i just really hope everyone enjoyed reading this story as much as i enjoyed writing it xx ((i know this is short, i wanted to update asap because you guys really deserve it for being amazing fans, the last chapter almost has 200 votes!))
Summary: When Harry's best friend convinces him to sign up for a dating website, Harry feels as desperate as he can get. But when he meets someone, he starts wondering if maybe the dating website wasn't such a bad idea after all ...

From then on, the two of them fell into a nice little routine. They'd wake up, have some breakfast, fool around a little, and then Louis would have to go to work. If he didn't have work that day, they'd usually roam the streets of London hand in hand, or rent a movie to watch, with Zayn sometimes joining them.

They'd created a nice little bubble around them. Harry thought that if he pretended he didn't have to go back home in a couple of days, then maybe he would magically stay here with Louis forever. But he knew that he couldn't just leave his job or his courses. He had to finish up things at home. Besides, he wasn't even sure if Louis would want them living together. They hadn't really discussed anything. 

Right now, they were both curled up together and watching whatever was on TV, but neither was really paying attention. Both of their minds were on other things.

"Hey, Lou." Harry murmured, looking down at Louis. Louis' head was tucked in Harry's neck and his eyes were trained on the television screen, but from the way they looked unfocused and glassy, Harry could tell that he wasn't paying much attention either.

Louis hummed, tilting his head up to look at Harry. He kissed him on the corner of his mouth, mumbling a quick, "what is it, babe?". But he didn't give Harry any time to answer because he quickly slotted their mouths together, moving them slowly and languidly.

Whatever Harry was going to say died in his throat as Louis kissed him lazily. All thoughts of talking flew out the window and he slowly moved his hand so it was resting on Louis' lower back, kissing back and wishing that this moment would never end. He loved when Louis was like this, all pliant and willing.


"Hey, Lou. You know I gotta go home soon, right? It's just a couple of days, now that I think about it ..."

It's quiet for a moment, before Louis said, "I'm going to miss you."

Harry's heart swelled with love for this boy, who he'd only known for a short amount of time. It seemed like a lot more. Then, with a jolt, Harry realized Louis had tears in his eyes.

He cradled him in his arms immediately. "Hey, shh, don't cry baby. We'll figure something out. It's all going to be okay, alright? We'll still text and call and skype each other, okay baby doll? Don't you worry your pretty little head."

Louis sniffed, "I know, but. Like. It's not going to be the same."

Hearing Louis break down like that broke Harry's heart. "I know sweetheart, but we'll figure something out. I promise. I still have my job and you still have yours and stuff, but I promise one day we'll think of something so we can live closer together."

This, at least, brought a smile to Louis' face. Harry was glad; he hated seeing his Louis sad. It just didn't suit him.


The goodbye's were quiet. Zayn came over and hugged Harry, telling him he would miss him. They'd hung out quite a lot during this visit and also become quite attached, something that Louis jokingly said made him jealous. 

"I'll see you soon, right pal? You won't forget about us back in your old town?" Zayn asked humoursly, but there was some seriousness in his tone.

"Of course not, Zayn. You guys are wonderful, couldn't forget you if I tried."

"That's ace mate, and introduce me to the Liam guy someday, yeah? Sounds like someone I'd like to meet."

"Yeah, 'course."

After that, Zayn left, knowing that Louis and Harry might need some alone time for their own goodbyes. It wasn't too overdramatic, since their real goodbye had been last night when Louis made love to Harry and told him he loved him. It had been sappy, and if you asked Harry, he hadn't cried one bit, not at all (Louis would say something different).

"Don't miss me too much."

"I'll try not to."

"Don't go forgetting about me over there, okay? Just because I'm back here doesn't mean we're not dating anymore."

"I know, Lou. Wouldn't forget, ever. It's hard to, with how much you reminded me last night." Harry winked, and some of the tension on Louis' shoulders relaxed.

"Hey, I needed to make sure you didn't go find yourself another guy over there."

"I would never, Lou. Love you."

At that, Louis smiled, his heart soaring and filling up with helium. He felt as if he could soar through the roof. "Love you too, Haz."

Despite promising himself he wouldn't, Harry did shed a few tears, as did Louis. They both wiped them away shakily, and with one last searing kiss, Harry was out the door.

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