Chapter Two

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3 hours earlier

Sam, Sebastian, and Abigail normally hung out in at the Saloon together, playing pool, or an arcade game, occasionally truth or dare. Recently, however, Alex had sort of budded into their friend group. Thats how Sebastian saw it, at least. He saw it as Alex invading their trio and causing unwanted problems.

The trio was normally drama free, they hated getting involved with other peoples problems. As soon as Shane would start drunkly yelling to loud, or Pam would knock something over, the trio left. Sure, they discussed drama and made fun of other villagers, but they never wanted to get involved. Until Alex brought his sea of problems. Apparently, Alex's grandparents had left for a bit, leaving Alex alone for a long while. Sebastian didn't know why his grandparents left, he zoned out whenever Alex started venting. He'd come to the saloon for something to do, which is when he started hanging out with them.

One night, Sebastian entered the bar a little late for their meet up. He immediately turned and walked into the game room, only to be met with Alex and Sam in the middle of a pool game without him.

"The hell?" Sebastian looked at the two of them, then to Abigail sitting on the floor, looking for answers. Abigail just responded with a shrug and a small chuckle.

"Sorry, man" Alex awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck "We thought you weren't showing up."

"Seriously?" Sebastian opened his arms in disbelief. He probably would have just blew it off and laughed at any other point, maybe made a joke about replacing him with Alex, but now? Now, with his mind fucked with repressed feelings and dark thoughts, he couldn't believe his eyes. How fucking dare Alex? He thought he'd made it clear he didn't like the jock. "I was like 15 minutes late!"

"Yeah.." Sam spoke, setting his drink down "Sorry.. we were going to wait for you! But then Alex showed up.. and I just wanted to play a round with the guy.." Alex gave an embarrassed smile towards Sam. Sebastian hated that. He noticed every little detail about Sam and what people did towards him, and that embarrassed smile accompanied with the slightest hint of blush on Alex's face told him everything he needed to know.

Sebastian physically restrained himself from slamming Alex's head into the pool table, or grabbing the 8 ball and caving in his teeth with it, or snapping the pool cue and impaling it up his throat.
Instead, he shoved his hands in his pockets.
"Whatever.." he practically mumbled and looked down at his feet. "I'm gonna smoke." He turned and left the saloon before anyone could say a word.

Sebastian huffed and took a seat near the river. He lit a cigarette, blocking the wind as the flame from his lighter lit up his face and hand. He looked down at the river water being lit up by the night sky. He tried to think of what to do next..
He'd just stormed out of the saloon from his friends, and Alex, because he was jealous they played some bar game without him. Of course, he was more upset that Sam had replaced him with Alex of all people.. and he was upset at the look Alex gave Sam. He knew what that look meant. He'd done it millions of times himself.
Now that he thought to himself, so did Alex. He thought about all the times Alex had forced his way into their friend group and gave Sam that look. That embarrassed grin and gentle pink blush. It looked so fucking ridiculous on Alex.

"You good?" Sebastian heard the raspy voice of Shane behind him.
"Not now you drunk bastard.." Sebastian snapped back, not taking his eyes off the river. He was absolutely not in the mood for Shanes bullshit tonight.
"Hey, I'm not even that drunk.."
Sebastian rolled his eyes and looked behind up at a surprisingly sober Shane.
"What do you want?"
"I wanted to see if you were alright," Shane glared, clearly not caring about the loner anymore. "You stormed out from your friends, I figured something must've happened. You, Alex, Sam, and Abigail are like.. a thing."
Sebastian huffed and stood up "Don't grope Alex in with us. He's not apart of.. whatever we have." He was partly talking about him and Sam, not the group. "He just.. forced his way in and ruined everything we had going on."

Shane stepped back and raised an eyebrow "Damn, alright" he chuckled and stepped back again "You.. got really defensive there, huh?" A look crossed Shanes face like he'd figured everything out. "You got a thing for that Abigail chick, huh?" He did not.
"Yeah, sure." Sebastian through the cigarette onto the floor and put it out with his shoe "You got me all figured out Shane. Caught me red handed. I've fallen for the girl who eat rocks." Sebastian spoke in a monotone and sarcastically put his hands up.
Shane rolled his eyes as Sebastian walked past him. "Is it Sam, then?"
Sebastian felt his heard speed up and his face heat up as he walked away, hoping Shane took his "mhm" as a sarcastic, leave-me-alone, noise.

He walked back towards the saloon, half considering walking back in and joining his friends again. He sighed. They didn't want to see him.
Sebastian started walking away, this time heading towards his home. Plus, he didn't want to see Alex again.
He turned to Alex, hoping his face conveyed how much he did not want to see him.
"Don't call me that.. what do you want?" He snapped
"I wanted to say," Seb expected a sorry or an explanation for his sudden destruction of his friend group, definitely not, "to lay off me, dude."
"What?" Sebs voice was practically a whisper as Alex returned his angry look.
"Yeah. You've literally been giving me the stink eye ever since I started hanging out with you guys."
"And why do you think that is, Alex?" His voice raised a little. He hated this. Was he seriously forcing himself into their friend group, then telling SEBASTIAN to lay off? Fucking seriously?!
"Well, because-"
"Because you're the most self-absorbed, egotistical, stupid piece of shit in this town." Sebastian snapped back "You just forced your way into our friend group! You weren't invited! None of us want you there!" He couldn't actually tell if Sam wanted Alex to be there or not, especially since they used to talk shit about Alex a lot, but now Sam just shuts down or changes the subject whenever Sebastian brings him up. He just silently hoped Alex believed him.

Alex looked down at the grassy floor beneath them for a second, then looked back up at Sebastian with a snide smile that Sebastian wanted to smack off him.
"You're in love with Sam, huh?"
"What?" Sebastians face lit up with blush. Goddammit. He luckily had his back turned when Shane made the remark, but now he was facing Alex. Alex could see his face practically turn pink, Sebastian could see his mocking face.
"You totally do! Is that why you hate me so much?"
"Shut up, Alex. You have no idea what you're talking about!" He really didn't. Alex didn't know the hours Sebastian spent thinking about Sam,  or how much time he tried spending with him..
"Oh no, I have a perfect idea of what I'm talking about." Alex stepped closer, his face looking especially smackable now. "You're jealous, huh?"
"Shut up.." Sebastian met Alex's eyes.
"Whatever.. I'll see you tomorrow, Seb," he put more emphasis on Sebastians nickname, knowing he hated him saying it. "Maybe with Sam on my arm." He walked past the smaller male, purposely shoving his shoulder into Sebastians.

It took all Sebs strength to not get shoved to the ground. He felt his eyes tear up. From the thought of Sam getting with Alex, from Alex's words, to the fact that Alex was really fucking strong.
He took in a shaky breath, turning just in time to watch Alex disappear into his home. Slowly, his eyes turned to the general store behind it. It should still be open..


Seb through an item onto the counter.
"That all?" Pierre looked at Sebastian, looking slightly annoyed that the guy had come in 10 minutes before he closed.
Pierre looked back down at the pocket knife Sebastian was buying. A look of concern crossed his face, replacing the annoyance.
"..Sebastian.. Do you need someone to-"
"No." Sebastian knew how suspicious it looked to be buying a pocket knife and nothing else, but Pierres assumption was wrong. "It's not for me."
Pierre just looked more concerned at that reply. "Whose.. it for?"
Sebastian glared and set the payment on the counter, taking the pocket knife. "Not your problem."
"It's just a bit suspicious that you-"
"Just forget I was here, Pierre." Sebastian snapped and shoved the pocket knife into his, well, pocket. "What I'm doing isn't your concern, unless you want it to be." He turned and walked out the door, straight towards Alex's home, feeling more confident then he ever had.

Bloody Scissors // Sam x Yandere!SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now