Chapter One

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//CW: Blood, murder, hard-to-read scenes of your favorite characters being killed, basic yandere crap//

Alex sprinted and slammed the bathroom door behind him, creating a loud thud and a pathetic click as he locked it.

He gulped, for a second, things were quiet. He took a few shaky breaths and attempted to listen for any signs of him. All he could hear was his own heart thumping intensely and his unstable breathing.. no signs of anyone else. While the jock didn't hear anything, he knew he wasn't just going to leave him alone. He needed to act fast with the little time he had in the bathroom.

He wasn't exactly subtle with his hiding spot. He knew where he was. He wasn't safe here..

As Alex's adrenaline settled, he realized how much pain he was in. His hand shot to his side and gripped onto his shirt that was soaked in his own blood. He whined and looked around the bathroom. There had to be something in here that could help him.. He didn't exactly understand medicine or first aid, but he knew what bandages looked like, thats all he needed.. he could bandage his wound up now, then get Harvey or Maru to do all the professional stuff after he got out of here.

If I get out of here..

He shook his head and waved the thought of dying away. He was going to survive this. He was going to get out of here. He was going to live.

The brunette stepped to the sink and opened the first drawer under it, his sweaty hands trembled as he sifted through the random first aid supplies. Mostly just medicine and tiny little bandaids for your paper cuts. Of course his grandparents weren't going to have the supplies to treat a fucking stab wound, crime was basically nonexistent here, why would they?


Alex yelped as he turned to the door, all his thinking flew out the window as he became panicked again.


Fuck. Shit. Fuck! Fuck!
His motive changed, he didn't care about the wound, he was going to have a whole lot more to worry about if he didn't defend himself. He slammed the first aid drawer shut and threw open another one, which was more miscellaneous.


Alex's thought became more panicked. The door was going to fucking give out. It was old, it wasn't going to withstand much longer. He needed something, anything to not fucking die.
Old toothpaste bottles, old hairbrushes, gross old makeup, scissors, random old jewelry..


Scissors? Yeah! They were those fancy hair cutting scissors. He pulled them out of the drawer, the cold metal made him shiver as he gripped onto the handle.


With one final kick, the door to the bathroom swung open, revealing Alex's purser.

Sebastian stood, arms calmly to his side. One hand held a pocket knife, still stained with Alex's blood. He didn't look worked up or upset or even the tiniest bit sweaty, like Alex..

Ready to defend himself, Alex swung to Sebastian, his new defense outstretched in front of him. Sebastian just met him with a blank stare. His eyes slowly looking down towards the small, silver weapon desperately clutched in Alexs hand.

He started.. laughing. Not a cliche, horror movie killer laugh, a genuine, Alex-just-told-the-joke-of-the-century laugh. He found this amusing. He fucking found this funny.

"What?" Sebastian inhaled and looked at the pair of scissors "Why.." he paused for a second and bit his tongue, trying to suppress more laughter. "Why scissors?"

Alex wanted to say something cool and threatening like "because I'm going to kick your ass with them!" But instead, all that came out was
"Be-cause.. uh.. I.." he gulped. His throat felt dry and tight. He suddenly felt terrified. He wanted to throw up, he wanted to run, he wanted to collapse to the ground and just bleed out..

"Alright, fuck it" Sebastian shrugged and tossed the bloody pocket knife out of the bathroom. Turning back to Alex's confused face, he smiled "Scissors.."

"Ye-yeah!" Alex made another attempt to threaten the thinner male. "And- and-.. I.. you.. what?.." he choked. Fuck..
Sebastian was physically a lot smaller then Alex, but that didn't mean Sebastian wasn't fast or capable of hurting Alex. He's already more then proved he's capable of gaining the upper hand quickly.

Alex stepped back as Sebastian stepped forward, pointing the scissors at him again.
"Stop-! Stop! No!" He whined pathetically and started crying.. a lot. He felt his face heat up immediately as tears fell from his eyes and streamed down his cheeks fast, making him feel smaller. "Sebas- Sebastian!" He cried as Sebastian stepped forward again.

"C-Come on..!" He strained and stepped back, needing to hold himself up on the sink with his other hand "I.. don't wanna die, and I don't.. wanna hurt you.. please just.." his hand holding his only weapon trembled more. He couldn't possibly look more weak.. "I..want to live.." he cried. He was determined to survive and live after this, which was kind of admirable to Sebastian.

His hand propping him up on the sink suddenly gave out. He hadn't noticed his bloody hand had been slipping slowly off the sink, but Sebastian apparently did. As soon as his ass hit the floor, his purser was suddenly in front of him. A cold hand gripped onto Alex's wrist and ripped the scissors from him before he even opened his eyes.

"No-!" He choked and cried, his only form of defense being stripped from his grasp. He watched Sebastian raise the scissors above his head and pleaded "Stop-! Fuck! Please!" He screamed and grabbed onto Sebastians forearm before the scissors were plunged into his gut. "Seb-Seb.." he stuttered and desperately looked into Sebastians purple eyes for any sort of guilt or worry. Sebastian was completely cold. And pissed off. Like.. really pissed off.. He fought against Alex's grip on his arm, trying to gain the upper hand again.

Alex couldn't think of what he possibly could have done to piss Sebastian off this much..

"I don't-" he choked again "I don't wanna die..d..dude.. I.. whatever I did... I'm.. I'm sorry.." he managed to sputter between sobs "I don't.. want to die.. please.." he coughed as Sebastian started showing a bit of remorse. "Let's.. just talk.. about this.. and I..I can apologize and.. we can move on.. I-I don't want to die.. please.." Sebastian didn't say anything, but he started relaxing, and not trying to stab Alex in the chest, which was nice.

A small light of hope started rising as Alex let go of Sebastians forearm, letting it drop to his side. He'd survived..

"Seb.. I'm s..sorry I- HHCUK-" he was caught off guard by a sudden pain in his neck. A sharp pain. A really fucking bad pain.

"Seb.. I don't.." he looked up at Sebastian in a blood-loss caused confusion..
"I don't want your fucking apology. You don't know what you're apologizing for." He dug the scissors deeper into the side of Alex's throat, making blood drool from his mouth. "I don't want you to sit here and beg for your life like you fucking deserve my sympathy." Sebastian grabbed onto Alex's pale face and forced him to listen to his words, even in his nearly unconscious state.
"Sam is fucking mine."

With one last twist of the scissors, Alex twitched and gagged out a confused gurgle and a splatter of blood. His body collapsed into Sebastian, now lifeless and still.

"Fuckin bitch.." he mumbled as he stood up, shoving Alex's corpse over like a disgusting bag of trash. He leaned down and grabbed ahold of the silver handle sticking out of his neck. Using one foot to hold Alex down, he yanked the scissors out of his body, adding to the blood covering the bathroom floor.

Sebastian had originally brought a pocket knife, planning to stab Alex while he slept, but the jock had been awake and managed to get away momentarily.

The pocket knife was heavy and hard to maneuver. The sleek, now Alex-blood covered scissors were fast and light.

A small, wicked smile spread across his face as he hummed and turned on the sink, casually cleaning off the blood from the scissors and his hands. His eyes looked down at the gross splatter of saliva and blood now sticking to his purple hoodie.


Hi I'm Sock! This is the first time I've actually written down one of the scenarios in my head and I'm havin a fuckin BLAST-

Bloody Scissors // Sam x Yandere!SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now