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(TW:Violence. Mentioning of weapons.)

Song-Electric Love by: Borns. 

^^I love this song so much it reminds me of better times in my life!

We made it school on time thankfully. I made sure everyone was awake and had showered or made sure they at least weren't taking their time not wanting to take any chances just in case someone had forgot something. 

We're all sitting in the cafeteria watching everyone eat breakfast while talking with their friends as if they haven't seen each other all year which I understood but sometimes it was overkill. We have five minutes before the bell rings and no one was talking about anything. I looked at all of them and almost chuckled to myself when I saw Harry with his head down wearing a pair of sunglasses clearly stating he had a hang over. It was his fault and I'm sure he knew the consequences before he had drank so late last night, the only thing I could think about was why but overall it was none of my business so I decided to ignore it and move on. 

I stared off into space until I felt someone standing next to me and quickly came to realize it was Mathew who had a polite smile and I knew what my intentions were even if they aren't considered good or reasonable but when you live in a world filled with people who can say anything about you at anytime you tend become used to it. 

"Hi Scarlett!" 


"How's your morning going?" 

"So far so good." 

"That's good." 

"Yeah." I smiled not knowing what else I should do and I wish someone else would say something to break the awkward tension between us. 

"What's your first class?"

"First period is always art."

The bell started ringing and everyone had gotten up from their seats "Mind if I walk you there?" 

"No not at all." I got up from the table and split up from the group and we were almost out of the cafeteria doors and I turned around and Dakota gave me a small wink and I couldn't help but feel proud and guilty at the same time because Mathew seemed like a good person so far and I didn't want to toy with his emotions.

"I enjoyed the movie from the other night." 

I looked over at him "Oh you did? Well I'm glad." 

"We should do it again some time." 

"Definitely, but not this week so hopefully the week after if that works for you?"

"What's going on this week?" 

"I actually don't know but I won't be free." the funny part was I actually didn't know so technically I wasn't lying and didn't feel bad about it either because business is business especially when it's important and the only information I had was that I was going to be picked up by men and taken to a place I've only ever heard of.

"Oh well that's too bad but next week then. Should I put it in my calendar?" 

That's the first time I've ever heard of anyone needing a calendar to remember an event that wasn't even far away from now but I'm not one too judge and figured it was probably why he seemed so organized and responsible so I didn't show too much of a reaction when he pulled his phone and was going to actually set a reminder.

"Um if you want but I'm still not sure on a specific day." We were almost the front door of the art room and almost every one else had gone to class by the time out five minutes were up. The walk wasn't long but we were also going at a slow pace.

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