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I drove back to Adrian's wondering if anyone was still awake. I pulled into his yard and noticed all of the lights were off and knew my answer. I walked up to the porch and knocked even though I practically lived here I still felt that it was only right to knock and not over step any boundaries. A few seconds later to my surprise Adrian's Mom answered the door. 


"Scarlett? What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be at some party with the other's?" 

"I'am but I forgot something." I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to let his Mom know the plans or recent events that had just taken place so I decided to play it cool as if I knew where the party was but I didn't and that made me feel out of control which I hated. 

"Oh that's okay." She stepped aside allowing for me to come in and I ran up stairs and pretended to grab something. I ran back down and noticed she had went back into her bedroom and I decided to let myself out. I got back into the van and decided to call Dakota. 

"Hey wheres this so called party?" I heard loud music and muffled talking from the other side. 

"Do you know where North side is?" 


"Follow the road and you won't be able to miss it. See you soon." With that information she hung up. 

I pulled out of the yard trying to prepare myself for tonight's shenanigans knowing something would go wrong but a part of me was hoping nothing would but with my friends and alcohol I couldn't be sure considering how they act when their sober is enough to make someone mad or scared. Texting Harry to see if he wanted to come had crossed my mind but after the way he looked I chose not to just in case he was also in a bad mood. I don't know why I kept sticking up for Harry in certain situations, I think the more I find myself learning the only reason why people want to be around him is for his body and the attention they receive when people know they have been involved with him. I guess maybe sometimes I wish there was someone who would stick up for me especially considering the names I've been called or heard people use to describe me but then again I've never met or witnessed someone who cared enough about me like that and maybe I never will but a very small part of me wishes there were because I don't expect to live out my life becoming an old lady sharing a house with another person who I've known my whole life and love. Things like that just don't make sense to me because well I've never had someone hold a door open for me, or ask me out on an actual date that was genuine, I've never had someone want to know certain thing's about me or dance in the rain while listening to a corny song only you and the other person would remember, I've never had someone become so infatuated with me that they remember every detail to how I like my coffee, or what my favorite movie genre is or just want to be around me because they enjoy my company. I want the dramatic type of love that will leave me heart broken and I know that sounds cliche but I'm not going to attempt something unless it's going to have an actual effect on who I'am as a person whether it changes me for the worst or for the better because at least I'll have a story to tell.

I was on the freeway and stopped at a red light which snapped me out of my thoughts. As I waited I watched my surroundings just in case something felt unusual, there weren't many cars out tonight but considering that it was late at night and most of the teenagers were partying I guess it was normal. The light turned green and I slowly pushed down on the gas. I pulled into a huge yard and this blue two story house with lights and music coming from the inside. I got out and locked the van out of habit whenever it came to parties knowing Adrian would be upset if I was the reason for his precious van being stolen. I walked up to the porch and knew there was no need to knock and no one would probably hear me with how loud the music was and Dakota was right it definitely was not hard to miss. 

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