it cant be that hard...right?

586 19 4

Aizawas pov-

I slowly open my eyes and turn to my clock. It reads 2:27 a.m. I yawn and stand up heading to the kitchen. When i get there i start to make myself some coffee and toast. When its finished i eat the toast and pour the coffee into a thermos so it stays hot longer. As im taking a sip of my coffee i hear feet walking down the stairs. I look up and see Keigo walking into the kitchen still half asleep. I glance at the clock on the stove and it read 3:03 a.m. "Hey kid what are you doing up so early?" Keigo jumps at my words at looks over at me. "I-i was just going to get a glass of water." He is visibly shaking. I turn around and grab a cup from the top shelf and fill it with water. I turn around and hand it to Keigo. He takes the water and takes a sip. "Thank you Aizawa..." I smile at Keigo and ruffle his hair. "No problem kid."

Suddenly i hear crying coming from the kids guest room so i get up and walk to the room. I walk into the room and i see Katsumi crying so i pick her up and carry her downstairs. When i walk into the kitchen Keigo looks at Katsumi. "Shes hungry." I walk over to a cabinet and pull out a baby bottle that i have from babysitting my friends kids. I carefully hold Katsumi on my hip while i fill the bottle with milk and then put it in the microwave to warm it up a little. When its done i hand the bottle to Katsumi and she takes it a starts to drink it. While shes drinking her bottle im quietly talking to Keigo. "So kid can i ask you some questions?" Keigo looks up from the floor and nods.

"Ok so the first one is who are your parents?"

"Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugou."

"Do you have any living relatives?"

"No, but we do have my moms best friend but she has two kids."

"Okay who's your moms best friend?"

"Her name is Inko Midoriya."

"What are her kids names?"

"Tenko Midoriya, he's seven and Izumi Midoriya, she's two."

"Ok what about their father?"

"No idea he left right after Izumi was born."

"Okay well what are your parents quirks?"

"Moms is glycerin and dads is acid sweat."

"Okay thank you for answering."

Keigo just nods and sets his glass in the sink. "I'm heading back to bed goodnight Aizawa." "Goodnight kid." I smile at him while he heads back up to bed. I look down at Katsumi and see that she finished her bottle and fell back asleep so I put the bottle in the sink and head upstairs to put her back to bed. After i lay her down and tuck her in i check on Keigo. He fell asleep holding Himiko so i tuck them in and walk down to the living room to finish the grading i didnt do yesterday.


In the morning at 7:45 a.m.

Hizashis pov-

I wake up to hear crying coming from the guest room so i get up and go to investigate. When i get there and open the door i see my husband holding a baby and feeding him a bottle while a kid around ten sits on the top bunk playing with a toddler. I smile at the sight and walk fully into the room. "Good morning Sho, kids." They all look at me and the kids smile. "Good morning sir." The oldest replies while staring at me. I shift uncomfortably under the stare and chuckle shakily while staring at my husband. He looks at me and sighs. "Hizashi this is Keigo and Himiko..." Sho points at the two kids on the top bunk. "And this is Neito and Katsumi." He points at the two babies. "Kids this is my husband Yamada Hizashi also known as pro hero Present Mic." The kids wave at me and then go back to playing. Sho turns to me to tell me more about the kids. "Keigo is ten, Himiko is four, and the twins are two." I nod and smile at my husband. "What are you smiling at?" I just chuckle. "Nothing Sho just thinking about how well you work with kids even though you say you hate them." He looks at me and just giggles. "I dont hate kids i just dislike most older kids because they are annoying and they dont know how to listen." I just shake my head and turn to the door. "Well I'm going to make breakfast, have fun with the kids." "Mhm." I chuckle and leave the room heading to the kitchen.


Later that day.

No ones pov-

Aizawa and Yamada discuss what going to happen to the kids that are upstairs taking a nap. After a long discussion they decide that they are going to adopt the four adorable kids and put their biological parents in jail. (Sorry i don't hate the Bakugous its just for the story.)

They talk to Keigo and Himiko and they agree so the next day they all head to the police station for all the paperwork. When it was all finished. The kids now all had the last name Aizawa. After the first week Aizawa enrolls Keigo into school and Himiko into daycare.

Everything was going great untill Aizawa and Yamada had to go back to school as teachers. They already got permission to bring Neito and Katsumi along with them.

Aizawas pov-

Today Zashi and i have to go back to work and we have to bring the twins along. After we drop off Himiko and Keigo and get to U.A. we walk to the teachers lounge. We walk in and are bombarded with questions from the other staff members. I just push through them and sit on the couch. Snipe walks over to me and sits down. "Do you know how hard its going to be taking care of your kids while teaching a whole bunch of teenagers?" I roll my eyes. "It cant be that hard...right?"

To. Be. Continued.

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