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Name: K'Nall Breenu Taahl

Age: 24

Height: 5'10" - 6'2"

Hair: Dark brown

Eyes: Light brown, with a goldish tint

Family: K'Nall has no traditional 'mother' or 'father'. She has/had a caretaker/warden that has watched over her for her entire life.

Species: Bajoran/Caitian/Trill hybrid

Skin/Fur: K'Nall has pale skin, with a light covering of fur similar to peach fuzz on a human. The tip of her tail does have some rough textured fur, similar to an Earth feline known as a lion. As part of her Trill inheritance, she sports the two rows dark coloured spots across her forehead, and down her body.

Physical Traits: K'Nall's physiology is very unique. She is the only hybrid (in recorded history), to have an ancestory as unique as hers. She carries physical traits from each species. She has the spots from the Trill, the nose ridges from the Bajorans, the tail and feet of the Caitians. Her ears seem to come to a point, accentuating her feline-like nature.

Personality: Having been isolated for most of her life, she's shy, and easily terrified of things that are unknown to her. With that said, K'Nall is also a curious person, with an inquisitive nature.

History: K'Nall is what you would call a Hybrid, or Trybrid (if you wanna be a smartass about it). Her DNA consists of the three species: Trill, Caitian, and Bajoran. She was not born in a conventional way. She was created in a lab, then carried by a willing host. Shortly after she was born, she was whisked away to a facility with the other scientists.

Much of her childhood was being held in isolation, despite there being other people in the facility. She was never aloud to leave her living quarters. For if she did, what few personal things she have were taken away. If K'Nall wasn't with an educator, she was trained to become the best fighter.

When she reached twenty-one, she managed to escape from the facility, and fled the planet, on an old shuttle. After passing out from exhaustion, K'Nall's ship drifted through space. It is soon encountered by the crew of the USS Defiant, and brought back to the DS9 space station. Her future from then on is uncertain......

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