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Published: November 2021
Edited: December 2021 (Spelling/detail)

*Disclaimer: This is the first time I'm gonna try to stick with writing for Star Trek. I've only seen a handful of DS9 episodes at best. So please be patient.


"Computer, start a personal log."

The sound of shallow breathing filled the cabin of the shuttle. A woman with tiredness in her features was sitting on the floor, leaning against the pilot chair.

"My name is K'Nall. I am approximately 21 years of age in appearence. I was born in a scientific facility where I was trained to be the best of the best. I ran away from the facility.

I do not know when I'll be found, or if I'll be found at all. It will be the first time I've ever been in space. I don't know were to go, or what to do. I can only hope that I'm found by people with best of intentions."


It had a surprisingly quiet day on Deep Space Nine. Though outright fear and apprehension, nobody dared to comment on it. Quark's bar was decently filled with various patrons; crew members of the station, starship crews passing through, and dignitaries from other planets staying for a layover.

The station's resident doctor, Julian Bashir, was currently debating with his friends on the subject of whether or not they were cursed.

"I'm not wrong. We either deal with really hectic days, or days were have barely anything going on." Bashir said, gesturing emphatically with his hand.

"Sisko to Bashir."

"Go for Bashir."

"I need you to report to sickbay. A woman was rescued from an abandoned shuttle, and needs medical attentionm"

"On my way, Captain."


A soft hum, and a low beeping were the first sounds that K'Nall registerd as she woke up. She could feel her ears twitch in response at every sound they picked up. She tried opening her eyes to assess her surroundings, only to close them again to shield them from the brightness. K'Nall blinked a few more times to adjust to the lights.

Looking around, slight panic set in as she realized she was in a medical facility. She sat up, looking to see if there was anybody around. Seeing that there was nobody around, K'Nall swung her legs over the edge of the biobed, and started walking around the room.

Looking around the room, K'Nall could tell that while she was indeed in a medical facility, it was not the same she was born in. Picking up a tool she found laying in a tray, she twirled it in her hands. Trying to figure out what it was.

"You are a curious one, aren't you?"

K'Nall whirled around, dropping the item in her hand. A man with dark hair, or someone she assumed to be male, leaning against a console.

"Who are you? Where am I?" K'Nall asked, cautiously.

"I am Doctor Julian Bashir of Star Fleet and you, my friend, are in sickbay."

K'Nall's tail flicked from side to side, showing her nervousness. When the doctor pushed away from the console, K'Nall backed up a few steps. She couldn't tell if it was another one of the scientists that liked to play tricks on her, or if he was telling the truth.

"It's alright. I won't hurt you." Doctor Bashir assured, holding his hands out in a non threatening way.

"You lie."

"I promise that I am not."

"How do I know that you speak the truth?"

"You don't. You just have to trust me."

Before K'Nall could say anything, the doors opened with a whooshing sound that startled the hybrid. She hid behind the nearest wall, scared that her creators had come for her, and scared that the man known as Doctor Julian Bashir had indeed lied to her.

"Come to inquire about the patient, Lt. Commander?"

"In a way. The captain asked me to come check on her. He would have done it himself, but Jake dropped in for a quick visit."

"I understand. Not everyday that family visits."

K'Nall peeked around the corner, curious as to who the doctor was speaking to. The figure seemed to be similar to the doctor. The only differences were skin complexion, and the fact that the figure looked to be female in nature. The female locked eyes with K'Nall, 'causing the hybrid to hide behind the wall again.

"Was that her hiding behind the wall?"

Bashir turned around to see that his patient was indeed hiding. He walked over, mindful to keep some distance between them.

"It's okay. She won't hurt you."

K'Nall looked at Bashir, unsure of whether or not to trust what he was saying.

"Promise?" She asked.

"With my life."

Cautiously, K'Nall stepped away from the wall. She kept her hands behind her, instinctually presenting herself the way she would if her caretaker/warden had walked into the room. The female stood opposite her, eyes bright, and a kind smile on her face.

"My name is Jadzia Dax."

"K'Nall here," Bashir said, handing a PADD to Jadzia. "Is part Trill. As well as part Bajoran, and part Caitian."

"Really," Jadzia murmmured with interest. "I'm Trill as well."

The new bit of information had an instant effect. K'Nall's eyes lit up, her tail swished from side to side in excitment, and hers were pricked forward.

"I've never met a trill before!"


K'Nall shook her head.

"No. Not that I would have noticed anyway. The caretakers always covered their faces."

"We have Bajoran crew members, as well. I could introduce you to them, if you'd like?"

K'Nall nodded with enthusiasm.

"I would like that bery much."

"Before you do that, I need to do one last examination before you K'Nall. For safety purposes."


Whether the two officers knew it or not, K'Nall was about to change their lives. For better, or for worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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