Cafateria on Fire

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Heading down another long corridor with the headmaster, Sky who decided to follow along, and the guards, Wylie proceeded walking at a fast pace. One of the guards on her right held her hands behind her back while the other on her left prompted her to walk faster.

They came to a big opening in the cavern shaped in a big half sphere. Small wooden doors lined the sides. The headmaster clearly knowing where he needed to go quickly, bursting through in of the doors and the rest followed.

The door led to a room much larger than the
room with all the doors. It went far back and was littered with lunch and tables in random and unorganized pattern. The group stopped and Wylie took the opportunity to take in her surroundings. There were children, all around Wylie's age screaming and running throughout the room. There was a red-orange aura around the room from fire.

Wylie and Sky gasped in unison. Wylie figured Sky couldn't be that experienced with the way this underground system worked and its people seeing as she looked just a surprised at the sight as Wylie.

The headmaster extended his right hand and chanted quietly in a language Wylie couldn't understand, and something began to materialize in his hand. It's a wand Wylie thought in awe.

The length of the wand was about the size of the headmasters fore arm. It was brown, but not wooden, with golden designs spiraling upwards topped off by a green gem cut like a diamond. The gem was held by small golden clasps exposing as much of it as possible without allowing it to fall.

The headmaster muttered a few more chants and suddenly all the flames went out. This room lighted similar to the headmasters room became only slightly darker once the flames died. Slowly the embers lingering on any of the lunch tables died and silence filled the room.

Wylie could now see individual people now that the fire no longer hindered her vision. All of them were wearing the same uniform. A blue sweater over a white collared shirt and gray pants. On the top left corner of the blue sweaters was a small logo in the shape of a diamond with the three letters SFL written inside.

The headmaster began to speak. "Who started it" he simply said with great authority and power in his voice.

Those three words and the large crowd of children parted revealing three boys, two of which were the ones Wylie had seen when she had snuck down to the caves the first time. Speaking again the headmaster said

"If one more fire is started within the next twenty four hours without reason the ones responsible will be expelled. The three of you come with me. Sky bring Wylie to Mr. Waters, he will take responsibility for her for now."

Sky made a hand gesture for Wylie to follow her, and down another long hallway they went.

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