Chapter 2: Fear

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⛈️⚡ Thunder chose that moment to clap and she jumped out of the bed and Into his arms. The power went off and he was stuck holding a woman he strongly disliked for no apparent reason.
He tried to drop her on the ground but she had a grip on him😌.
Suddenly, sweet memories came flooding back. Sun, rain,wind,Meadows and butterflies ❤️🥺. It was all to much for him to take. He lowered her trembling body on the bed gently. He turned to leave and she pulled him back.

"Please don't go"🥺
"Why not?"
"I..... I'm scared"
He hesitated and thought of what it would be like to lie beside her and stroke away her worries and Chase her demons away.

"Take a bath..."
"What's your name?"

He didn't answer but instead he just walked out of the room, leaving her with her thoughts 🥺⛈️💔

It was so dark. Wolves were running after her. She had nowhere to go so she bolted into the woods. Out of the blue came a slap. She was dazed and she fell. A wolf came bounding towards her and scratched her across her face. She looked down and saw her blood everywhere. She reached for the knife in her pocket and tore off it's eye. Then the wolf shape shifted until it turned into a strikingly handsome young man. He had a hungry look in his eye. He tore her clothes and raped her💔 she screamed until it echoed in her ears. He never stopped. When he was done and asleep, she got up unsteadily and ran towards a bunch of trees and tore up a dead root.
The rain was slapping her furiously now. She crept up on him and hit the back of his head until she could no longer feel the pain. His blood spurted across her face but she didn't care. From a distance she heard someone shout her name.


The voice sounded like it came from the surface and she was underwater.
She felt herself being shaken awake violently. She fought through the mist🌫️ and woke in a pair of strong arms. She began crying 😭😭

"There, there baby. I'm here now. You'll be alright, I promise🥺"

She looked up and saw her hero through her tears.

"You asked for my name earlier, it's Ty"

She would've said something but she suddenly got nauseous 🤢 and she ran out of the room and into the bathroom where she miserably emptied the contents of her stomach🤮

Ty sat on the bed and listened to her vomit in the next room. His eyes widened and he flew off the bed 🛏️ and out of the room. He ran down the flight of stairs and got into his car🏎️. His heart beat furiously in his chest. He started the car and left the mansion.🥺

After vomiting, Sharon sat on the ground for a while and focused only on breathing 😌. Then she got up and washed her face. She walked into the room, half expecting to see him still there. Her heart broke when she saw he wasn't there💔🥺.

An hour later, Ty returned with a package in his hand and rain droplets in his hair. Her breath caught in her throat😌. And she felt something shift in her chest 🥺. He looked angry and he pushed the package in her hand.
Confused,she looked up at him.

"Go pee" he ordered
"Go pee, now"

She went into the bathroom and opened the package and she immediately started crying 😭😭

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