Chapter 4: A series of unusual events

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Sharon raised her hand to her red cheeks. What had just happened?.


She jumped and nearly smacked her face into a wall. She turned around to face him and swallowed her tongue😶he was completely NAKED. Water droplets were sliding down his tanned body making her thirsty....he had such abs....she couldn't bare to look lower. She touched her mouth to make sure she wasn't drooling

Just as he'd expected.... she'd stare at him. What a pushover . He looked up and her hands were on her lips. They looked so soft and tempting.....he had to taste them. He walked slowly towards her and she stood still. He touched her cheek and looked into her amber eyes.They were full of tears. He felt his heartbeat grow faster and he lowered his lips to hers and felt a burst of hot power

Sharon closed her eyes in anticipation and the moment Ty's lips touched hers, she couldn't feel her legs or anything for that matter. All she could feel was the heat of Ty's lips. She slid her tongue into his mouth and wrapped her hands around his arms which he had placed on her cheeks. She moaned with wonder and thought of nothing else as her knees got wobbly 🥺

Ty's body was on fire 🔥. She was so soft and tempting. He had to restrain himself from jumping on her when she slipped her wonderful tongue into his mouth . He heard her moan and he slowly slid his hands down her body, wanting more❤️.

His hands on her body was more than she could ever bear... she started trembling....he was making her feel things she'd never felt before even Evan had never touched her like this. Evan! The memories of a few hours ago came flooding back in a massive torrent.....she was pregnant for God's sake and her she was....being a whore

Ty felt her trembling then all of a sudden, she jerked back😳. What was he thinking.....he wanted her a few minutes ago. He wanted a woman that was pregnant with the child of another man. He was definitely loosing his grip on reality. He looked at her and felt ashamed of himself. Her lips were erotically swollen from his and there were tears running down her cheeks. He shook himself out of it and walked to his closet to get a robe😒.

"Now that we've gotten that out of our systems, we'll deal with the terms of the contract" 😇

It took a minute before she could understand him. "O....okay"🥺

"Sit down"🤧

" I'd rather stand to discuss this"😑

"Suit yourself, darling". He sat on his bed and looked at her thoughtfully. "Sharon, who's the baby's father?"😒

She couldn't bare to look at him....what would she say🥺😢

Her heart beat fast....what would she tell him. She couldn't possibly tell him the truth.

"Who's the baby's father Sharon?"asked Ty🙊

" It doesn't matter.... he's dead"😑

"He must've died recently cuz you're not even a month pregnant"🙄


"Whatever, I want the baby"🥰

"Fine, but his family will also want the baby"😒

"I can deal with a few poor people"😳

"Oh you just think everything works according to your plans?"

"Yes. Marry me"😒


"Don't be flattered. I want this baby legally"😑

"Under one condition"🥺

He rolled his eyes🙄" spit it out"

" won't touch me like that ever again". And with that she stormed out of his room and into her own room to get some rest.

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