Chapter 6: The shopping spree

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"When...when did you do this,?" Asked Sharon. She hadn't expected to see a crib in the middle of his bedroom. It was beautiful. It was green and white and it had yellow ruffles around it. It was perfect for any gender.

"I was going to ask you to move into my room. I wanted to surprise you" admitted Ty quietly.

Then he hurried on " But.... there's no need for it now and....." He couldn't continue. She'd kissed him out of the blue. Stunned, he just stood there while she poured her heart into the kiss. She pulled away and looked at him.

"Sir, I'm sorry about the baby.....I.." she choked and stepped out of the room. He looked after her helplessly.

Sharon ran to her room and shut the door. My baby she thought. My baby's gone. The weight of it crashed down upon her and she jumped on her bed  and cried into her silk pillow.

The months dragged on slowly and her body recovered from the miscarriage. She spent all day inside her room and Ty never checked on her. She thought about taking her life but it just didn't seem to make sense. Nothing did anymore.

That morning, the butler came to her door to let her know that Ty would be going for a business trip to Dubai and that she had the house all to herself.....she and Ty's mom.... Veronika.

Veronika was her role model. She always wanted to be a fashion designer but she was poor and her foster mother's daughter got the gig. She was happy enough to meet Veronika but she always remembered that she was Ty's mother.

He must've told his mom that he had taken a contracted wife and that they were having a baby. What would she was her fault that the baby was dead anyway.

All those thoughts ran through her head as she showered and dressed up...fresh and clean, she walked down the massive staircase to go get breakfast. She had just begun her descent when the doorbell rang. She looked up wearily and the butler, Adam had gone to answer the door. The door opened and a beautiful woman stepped into the air conditioned house and eyed Sharon curiously.

Veronika's first thought of the pale woman who clung to the staircase was that of graceful competence. The poor dear, she thought. She was as white as a sheet. Was this the wife that her son Ty had told her about? She liked the girl well enough, she seemed like a nice woman....but where was the baby she'd travelled miles to see?

What is she thinking? Thought Sharon as the woman looked at her up and down, over and again. She vaguely realized that her knuckles we're getting white. She released the handrail and walked down the stairs slowly, coming to a halt before the elderly woman in front of her. She cleared her throat

"Good morning, I assume you're Ty's mother?"

Sharon's voice was soft and cultured. She had been living with rich people.

"Yes, I am"

"Welcome, I'm Sharon"

"His wife?"


Veronika's eyes instantly lit up. She knew she liked the girl.
"Well then darling, let's get you into bed. It's not good for a pregnant woman to be up and about"

She tried stopping her mother-in-law  but before she could say a word she was ushered in bed.

"No darling, it's Veronika"

".... Veronika then....I have to tell you something"

"What is it dear?"

"I.... I'm not pregnant anymore"

"Oh then where's the baby?"

She lowered her head and fought the sudden onslaught of tears.
"I lost it"

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