Chapter 7: Seduction success

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He moved slowly at first, letting her get used to him. Then he started moving faster and with purpose. He watched her breasts bounce and felt more aroused. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pushed him deeper into her. She moaned softly and he lifted his head and kissed her fully on the lips without breaking his rhythm. She was so wet and hot and responsive. He trembled and looked into her amber eyes before kissing her again and again. He pulled out of her only to have her moan in protest. He put her legs on his shoulders and sank deeper into her. The only sounds that could be heard in the room was his labored breathing, her soft moans and the slap of flesh against flesh. He stopped to stare at her for a while and it seemed like her entire body glowed. He felt something swirl dangerously in his stomach before he shook his head to clear it. He leaned forward until her knees were touching her chest and he started to move slowly. He felt ready to explode  but wanted to torture her as much as he was being tortured. Then....he felt himself stiffen and he knew he could hold it no longer. He spilled the sweet nectar of his desire deep into her and she shuddered and held onto him tightly.

She closed her eyes and marveled at the feel of his sexy body sliding over hers. He was so huge and she could barely breathe as he slid inside her. Her first time wasn't as good as this she thought. It was fast and horrible and she'd never wanted to do it again but now, Ty was showing her that there could be a whole new meaning of sex. He pulled out of her suddenly and she moaned softly in protest, urging him back to her throbbing flower. All of a sudden, her knees were on her chest and she felt the searing heat that came along whenever he entered her. He moved deeper and deeper inside her for what felt like eternity.Then, she felt him tremble and become stiff. Sharon felt the heat move up her body and she knew he had deposited his seed inside her. She lay still with her hands around his neck as he gradually slowed down and collapsed on her. She held onto him tight and as she realized what she'd done, she began to cry.

Sharon heard birds chirping and she shifted a bit. Feeling the cold from the AC unit stinging her nose, she opened her eyes and glanced around. She was in a dark room with masculine colors and when she looked under the covers she was completely naked. Memory of last night came flooding back and she leaned back against the headboard and fought the tears welling in her eyes. She had had sex with what? She looked down at the ring on her finger and smiled. Just then she heard the rush of water coming from the bathroom and knew he was having a shower. She took a deep breath and swung her legs out from under the covers and onto the floor. She got up unsteadily and walked to the bathroom door. She pushed the door open and stared at Ty. He was beautiful. The water was rushing down his body in sparkling droplets and she became thirsty just by staring at the way the water slid down his body. She could feel her own body throbbing. He turned around and faced her. She could feel her gaze slipping. She looked down at his abs. They were so clearly defined and her mouth got dry as soon as she eyed a particular part of his lower body. Then she heard his deep voice.

"Come here"

She hesitantly walked under the spray of water and was surprised to find that it was very cold she jolted and he quickly changed it to hot. She felt the heat rush through her tense body and relaxed, leaning back on him. He put his hand on her shoulder and kissed her neck before reaching above her head to grab a bar of female soap. He rubbed it over her body seductively and she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. And against her better judgement, moaned.

"Do you like that?" Groaned Ty as he massaged the sensitive skin on Sharon's breast. She didn't trust her voice so she moaned and nodded. It was so arousing to watch her bite her lips and moan like that. He slid his hand lower.....lower...until she flinched and leaned back on him. All too instantly, he remembered the previous night. He'd showered in cold water to get it out of his mind. He remembered Corrine, he remembered what he'd found out about Sharon's past and he pulled his hand away and walked out of the bathroom.

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