comforted flug

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Blackhat's P.O.V
Hearing flug say he loved me made me feel happy. I've done so much wrong towards him and this incident helped me realize just how hurt he was. His arms were covered in burn scars, his body was so thin that it honesty surprised me. That fox looking form he took on earlier was massive and gave off a bunch of dark energy. I was aware Flug was different but, to think a fox demon lived within my mansion for so long with minimal detection was impressive.

How did he keep that form suppressed? It was powerful and for once something scared me. The mighty blackhat felt outmatched for the first time in years the only other time was when my brother sent his servant to try killing me but, that battle didn't last long. Dr.Slug went home bruised and sore. My brother on the other hand was ruthless on his servant for failing and forced him on the street for about two weeks. Dr.flug meantioned seeing him a few times during grocery runs but, they rarely interacted. Things have always been rough with the twins so it made sense to only have quick interactions. I don't expect them to get along especially after what happened in the past between them as well as assassination attempts a few times. Dr.Slug was no good he was the opposite of Flug and wore edgy clothes unlike flug who wore a shirt with a reminder of his accident, jeans and his lab coat.

Back to the present  Flug was being fussed over by dementia and 5.0.5 as visitors were allowed and the max family and friends allowed at one time was exactly three people. Dr.Flug seemed more then happy to see them but, I could tell he was having a internal fight with himself so I tried calming him with a hug but, I should of made myself known as his stature stiffened up but, soon enough he calmed down and cuddled against me. He didn't seem to care that dimentia and 5.0.5 were there as his focus was on me. Our surroundings seemed to just be the two of us and flug actually relaxed in my hold as if he felt safe despite me being a evil demon that most would run from but, I didn't push him away or place him on back on the bed. In the background Dementia led 5.0.5 and herself out leaving us in the room so me and flug could be alone for a bit.

Dr.Flug's P.O.V
I was about half awake but, on instinct I had gotten closer to Blackhat as my fear of losing control of my own demon form as the restrain spell and items had both weakened during the outburst but, at least I saved the family i've been with for several years now. I could tell Blackhat could sense it too as he tightened his hold a little more but, not uncomfortably tight. I hope when I get released me and blackhat could get more accustomed to each other in a more personal way. Im not going to rush Blackhat as I knew affection wasn't his forte and im not sure if he has those kinds of feelings as he has reminded me several times he was pure evil and doesn't feel other emotions such as care and love but, im starting to think he in hiding his emotions as it could be used against him. For now I will just enjoy this while it lasts. With that last thought I fell asleep in Blackhat's hold and the last thing I feel is him draping the blanket over me and keeping me close. His embrace was somehow warm and felt nice. I hope when I get out of here things will somewhat go back to normal. I don't want him to change everything just because of what has been revealed im still his scientist and will work on projects he assigns just like I have for years and don't plan to stop anytime soon.

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