Chapter 3

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Logan's POV

Yesterday was interesting, to say the least. I loved hanging out with Janus and Remus but Patton would get concerned if I didn't leave my room. I put all my little stuff away then went downstairs. When I got there Virgil was listening to his music on the couch, Patton was in the kitchen and Roman was probably in his room or the Imagination.

"Hey Lo you seem really chill today," Virgil said, lowering his headphones.

"By chill, I assume you mean calm so yes I'm very calm today."

"Your flashcards seem to be working," he smirked and pulled his headphones back up.

I walked into the kitchen. "Good morning Patton."

"Morning Logie!"

"How is your morning going?"

"I'm very good, thank you. Did you finish your work from yesterday?"

"Yes," Lying was wrong but it's not like the truth would do any good.

"So you can-" We both felt the pull of being summoned. "Guess we'll have to hang out later." Then we both rose up in Thomas' living room Virgil, Roman and Thomas stared at us

"Hiya kiddo what's up?"

"One. I am not your son. Two. I was feeling a little off yesterday so I wanted to check in on you guys. So are you guys okay?" Thomas asked. Wait what if this is because I regressed yesterday. My regression affects Thomas.

God the others are gonna hate me.

"Teach!" Roman shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uh yes, Roman."

"You good you kinda zoned out for a second," he actually looked concerned which I must admit is weird for Roman.

"I am fine. I just got distracted."

"Well Logan was working all of yesterday so maybe that's what made ya feel weird." Patton's theory was pretty figuratively sound. Maybe I can agree with him and they wouldn't ask any more questions.

"Microsoft? So did you overwork yourself?" Roman asked.

"Probably. I apologize I should have thought about how it would affect Thomas."

"Lo, you barely ever apologize. Are you sure that you're okay?" Virgil questioned.

"I can assure you that I'm perfectly fine."

"So Logan just overworked himself, are you sure that's all it was? Cause it felt a little different to that," Thomas asked again.

"Unless someone else has anything to confess to, it was probably me overworking myself and I will try to make sure that never happens again."

"Guess that solves that see you guys later," Thomas waved us goodbye as we all sank down into the light side commons.

I tried to walk back to my room but Roman stopped me. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Logie, you're gonna spend the day relaxing with us, okay?" Patton requested.

"Patton I'd rather read if that's okay?"

"You can read but where we can see you. I don't want you working behind our backs," Patton said, putting on his stern dad voice.

"Patton I promise you I won't work now can I go read?"

"Logan No means No okay? You left a book in here a few days ago just read that and sit on the couch," Patton demanded.

"Okay," I sat on the couch and picked up the book. Patton went to the kitchen and Virgil went to his room.

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